we get older an
unfortunate consequence can be thinner,
sparser more delicate hair. It can be alarming
to see how much hair there is down the plug
hole or left behind on the pillows.
Most women notice some hair loss after the
menopause due to falling oestrogen levels,
mainly noticeable around the forehead and
temples followed by a thinning on the crown
of the head. Although this thinning is perfectly
normal hair should never fall out in clumps
this always needs investigating by your
G.P. as there are many other reasons for
this happening.
Many women notice signs of hair change even
before menopause often in the mid 40s
when hair just seems to behave differently
to the way it used to. There may be a coarsening
of texture due to an increased amount of
or people whos hair has always been curly
can find that the curls appear to fall
or frizz. Hair loss can often be attributed
to taking medication, especially anti-depressants,
but can also be attributed to taking medication,
especially anti-depressants, but can also
be due to low levels of iron, copper or
zinc and as we age it is increasingly important
to include foods rich in these elements
to promote and maintain healthy hair.
If you do suffer from hair loss you must
treat your hair with care using a good conditioner
and avoiding chemical overload. Consider
taking a supplement specifically designed
for healthy hair if your diets is not all
that it should be and report any unusual
hair loss to your GP. |
all know that a good nights sleep is
to our well-being and can affect our
performance greatly during the day ahead.
But for many people a good nights sleep
is just a distant dream.
Obviously there are many reasons why
we sometimes dont sleep as well as
we should but a recent survey revealed
that many people put
worry at the top of their list of
reasons for a bad night. They found
that although they were tired enough
to go to bed, the minute their head
hit the pillow, their mind would start
racing- planning the day ahead, trying
to solve problems, making mental to-do-lists.
If you fit into this category breaking
the habit of night-worry can be difficult.
Cutting out stimulants during the later
half of the afternoon onwards can help.
Make any to-do0 lists at least two
hours before bed and avoid any computer
work and television for an hour before
Reading is still considered an excellent
bedtime relaxant- but avoid anything
controversial or thought provoking,
stick to light- hearted novels or magazines
for night time. Camomile tea is a mild
sedative but its important to buy a
good quality to get a good strength,
or try valerian- more of relaxant than
a sedative but has calming effect. Once
you are in bed, focus on abdominal breathing,
taking slow, deep breaths making the
stomach rise and fall.
Practise visualisation whilst deep breathing-
imagining each part of your body falling
to sleep, starting with the toes and
working you way up. If you do not sleep
within the first half hour of going
to bed, then get up and move to another
room. Do a simple task- jigsaw, crossword
etc then return to bed after a further
half hour. Learn to associate the bedroom
with a relaxed, sleepy atmosphere- if
you must make lists or solve problems,
do it in another room.