263 Records Found matching query: coloured Record(s): 49 - 51
Teresa asks:
Ive recieved very conflicting answers about Argan oil. I know its good for your hair but will it strip or fade my newly colored black streaks? SOme say absolutly, some say itll keep them from fading. Which is true? Help!
Answered By: Ken Picton
Hi there,
Thanks for getting in touch, you should listen to the good comments, Argan Oil is a natrual organic oil that is perfect to rehydrate hair and it adds shine, health and vitality, it will not strip your newly coloured hair or encourage fading.
Laura asks:
When I go on a (Princess) cruise, my hair becomes extra greasy, extra fast. I wash it daily as always with my usual shampoo and conditioner. My hair is coloured and naturally straight. How can I prevent this weighed-down greasy look on my next cruise in a month?
Answered By: Darren Messias
I think the reason for this will be that water on the ship which is probably too soft which can cause hair to become greasy. I would suggest investing in a specific shampoo for hair that can go greasy and try to only wash your hair in luke warm to cold water if possible as hot water will make your scalp produce more natural oils that cause the greasy look.
Ria asks:
I’ve had my hair coloured crazy hair colour green and it has been topped up three times, my hairdresser bleached bathed it 3 times and it wouldn’t remove, since then I’ve used fairy liquid, vosene, had it dyed bright red, and used b4 colour remover twice its only faded but will not be removed, do you have any suggestions how I can get it removed?
Answered By: Matthew David
Without damaging your hair anymore with colour processes this colour with time will fade however it may need some cutting to help removal of this colour.