8 Records Found matching query: receding Record(s): 1 - 3
Nicky Crompton asks:
I’m a fourteen year old male and my hair line, I’ve noticed has gone a little further back. This wasn’t too bad, but I noticed that my hair was quite thick and for some reason decided to use a non-electric razor and it now really looks like I have a receding hair line. Will the area I used the razor on grow back?
Answered By: Marion Burns
Hi there.
The hair should grow back where you razored if it was there originally. ...More >
It will take a couple of weeks to tell. Don’t over wash your hair and next time go to a professional who can thin out thick growth without leaving your hair scarce. Hope this helps
Becky asks:
My boyfriend has nice thick brown hair, but has a receding hairline. He does not want to cut his fringe short, as he has quite a large forehead. Are there any particular styles which would make a change from his long fringe whilst drawing no attention to his forehead?
Answered By: Lee Holmes
Quite a popular mens style at the moment is to have the hair tapered, almost graduated at the back and quite heavy at the front. (Like the guitarist from Busted) this would be good for your boyfriend particularly as his hairline is receding.
Stewart asks:
My hair is receding and I have a small bald batch at the back of my head. At this moment my hair is cut pretty short. I am thinking about getting my hair shaved, any ideas.
Answered By: Anthony Holland
Perhaps you could start with a No 4 on top and No 2 on the sides and then blended in. This would give you a better head shape hope you enjoy your new freedom.