5 Records Found matching query: Gary Taylor Record(s): 1 - 3
Magda asks:
Hello Im 15, 16 in a few months! I really want my hair to be blonde, Ive tried to dye my hair blonde in the past and it left me with yellow hair, quite grim if Im honest? Ive got ginger hair and really want to get rid of it, what would you recommend? Oh and not to forget, I straighten my hair quite a lot!
Answered By: Gary Taylor
It is best to not carry out chemical services on your hair until you are 16, however we all know that a massive number of teenagers colour their hair. Therefore firstly, you need a full consultation for your stylist to find out the history of your hair. A skin test and compatibility test with pieces of your hair are paramount before any colouring can be done. Once your stylist is happy to carry out a colour service, using a product such as Schwarzkopf Professional Fibreplex in colour and Fibre Force shampoo and conditioner will keep hair healthy.
Harrison Bradey asks:
Hi. Im 14 and my hair has so much volume its impossible to handle. Is there any way to take the volume out of my hair. Ive tried relaxing it but that just straightens my hair rather than de-volumizes it. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Answered By: Gary Taylor
With the correct product and care regime, my suggestion would be to book a longer appointment than usual so your stylist has time to cut and style your hair as well. This will also give them time to educate you on which products are best to use and how to maximize the result youre after.
Rohit asks:
I Am A Guy(Male 18) With Waist or Hip Length Long Hair(Black straight Hair) And I Want Some suggestion on Some Hairstyles, I dont want to cut my hair....Any Hairstyle Even It is feminine Hairstyle. Well I usually keep my hair in feminine hairstyle...!
Answered By: Gary Taylor
Whether youre male or female is irrelevant here. With hair this long and wanting to keep the length you immediately reduce your options! So the best thing to do is look at your hair and give it a look that keeps as much masculinity as possible with the length it has, if thats what youre trying to achieve.