Saving you virtual hairstyle......

Screen thief is a screen capture program i.e.. it takes a picture of your screen and whatever is on it at the time and converts it to a picture which you can then trim and save. If you try to print your virtual hairstyle normally you will get unusual results because the wig image is not treated as transparent by your printer and therefore blocks out the image behind it. With a screen capture program the image is taken off the screen and you can have a good picture of yourself with your chosen virtual hairstyle.

To download a 30 day evaluation copy of Screen thief Click Here
This file is which needs to be decompressed before you can install it. If you do not have Winzip on your PC then you can download it from Once you have winzip installed on your PC then you can just double click on the downloaded icon and uncompress it into a temporary folder of your choice. Then run Setup.exe which will install Screenthief onto your PC.

After installation run screen thief from the program bar or from the desktop icon or if you chose not to install these features then run
"C:\Program Files\Screen Thief 95\st95.exe". Once the program has started minimize it and go online to and choose your hairstyle. When you are happy and want to save your picture go back to screen thief and then go to File and click on Delayed capture.

A box will appear.

Click on Capture and screen thief will disappear leaving a countdown timer (In this case set to 10 seconds)
After 10 seconds the screen will be caught and Screen thief will reappear with your image in the display.
Select the area you want to keep by left clicking in one corner of the area and whilst still holding down the mouse button drag to the opposite diagonal corner and let go.
Then go to Edit and click on Trim. Then go to File and choose Save As and choose a name for your new picture.

(Close Window)