Our Commitment to the hairdressing profession
is to share the knowledge we have gained over many years developing
the art of creating personalised looks to suit the individual’s
facial features, hair texture and lifestyle.
Pierre Alexandre are well known for their directional work featured
in magazines internationally. We believe by sharing our ideas with
like-minded hair designers enabling us all to improve.
Education is the foundation of our company, our commitment to training,
has earned Pierre Alexandre respect worldwide. As an innovator and
individual designer Pierre Alexandre is responsible for many successful
cutting techniques used by hairdressers all over the world today
and his energy and enthusiasm is infectious.
The trade mark of Pierre Alexandre is their devotion to total customer
care, with the emphasis placed on excellent consultation and team
work, aimed to treat all clients with respect and total commitment.
Pierre Alexandre and his team look forward in sharing their ideas
and know-how with you...