141 Records Found matching query: body Record(s): 19 - 21
Amy asks:
All my life I have had coarse frizzy hair that I would brush straight despite its natural wave. Last year I got a body wave done that brings out some curls to it and I love it. Right now however I am interviewing for jobs and trying to get my long curly hair into a professional look. Any advice for keeping the length but still looking professional?
Answered By: Andrew Jose
If your hair is wavy you need to manipulate the curls so they fall into loose curls rather than frizzy ones! I would suggest washing your hair with a curl defining shampoo and conditioner such as JLife Catch A Wave ...More >
After washing pat hair to get rid of excess water and use a serum based product for curls on the damp hair try. This will take the frizz out of your hair and help to define curls.
Then section hair and using your finger manipulate spirals, use a diffuser on your hairdryer to dry hair. You do not need to dry it completely! If you keep twisting your hair around your fingers it will guide the hair into nice loose spirally curls and after a few times of doing this it will be easier. This should give you as really nice look and is also a good look at the moment!
Will asks:
Hello, I am a 44 year old male who currently has short hair but would like to grow it long. I do have really thick hair though so what would be the best way to go about it? Do I just not get it cut and let it grow or would I need to get it trimmed and styled regularly? I would like it to be trendy and cut to a long, thick style instead of just a mass of hair.
Answered By: Gary Russell
Hey Will
First I would grow out the top if that is short. Once you have longer hair you can then begin to grow the rest and look at tucking it behind the ear and keeping it trimmed around every 10 weeks. There will be times you will want to chop it off as it will go through different phases. Make sure you see the same stylist each time you go as they will remember what you are aiming for and saves you explaining it again and again to somebody new each time. Also get some advice on products you will need a good wax to hold it back. If your hair is thick go for water wax (03) by Redken great for calming thick hair down.
Samie asks:
I have thick hair that goes to about my chest. Throughout the day, even if I’ve washed the night before, my hair starts to get limp, stringy, and greasy. I’ve tried dry shampoo and baby powder, but neither seem to be working, it just makes my hair chalky in addition to looking gross and oily. What can I do???
Answered By: Barbara Daley
Hi Samie,
It sounds like you hair is prone to getting oily which is quite common, and nothing to worry over, I would recommend that you start to manage this by changing your homecare regime to something designed specifically to tackle greasy roots. Kerastase bain divalent is by far the best product on the market for this type of hair in my opinion. The shampoo is very concentrated so only requires a small amount to work (roughly the size of a fifty pence piece), it is not designed to lather on the first shampoo so don’t worry of it doesn’t foam up. Spread the shampoo with the flats of your hands accross the whole of your head, if it’s particularly greasy use less water on the first shampoo as this will dilute the product. Once the shampoo has been spread accross the hair leave it for a minute before massaging or scrubbing, this will allow the product to work by it self and over massging can encourage the sebaceous gland to produce more oil throughout the day. I would give it 2 shampoos and then, if conditioner is needed, use something really light and just on the ends of the hair to detangle and rinse straight away. Keep the conditioner away from the roots. ...More >
I would also recommend drying your hair rather than it to dry naturally but avoid over working it, so blast dry the majority, if not all, and style as you like, drying it off rather than leaving it to dry tends dry out the hair a little bit so makes it less greasy looking.
The cut make also be weighing your hair down by the sounds of things, having a bit of scaffolding or shape to pull the hair away from the face might also give it more life and stop it feeling so dull and limp. Colour is also a great way to dry out oily roots whenever my hair needs colouring it tends to be more oily so again this could be something you might like to consider to give it a bit more hold and body.
Finally, whilst dry shampoos are great for absorbing grease i agree they can make your hair look dull and chalky, tec ni art do a fantastic hairspray in their new wild stylers range called next day hair which is a spray that contains a powder. Spray directly into the roots section by section to give body and hold without the chalky texture you’ve been experiencing. This product is great as little top up through the day if you’ve noticed your hair going a bit limp.
I hope this all helps and you start to see some results.