Try different hairstyles with your choice of clothing and hats or upload your own image and try out different looks and styles with our Virtual Wardrobe tool
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drag Mannequinn to best position. 2. Move clothes over mannequinn. 4. Move top into position. 3. Bottoms are best to move first so that you ncan see the waist and line the clothing up. 4. Move top into position. 5. Move wig into poistion and resize if desired. 6. Too change choice of clothing or hair use the buttons on the top right and scroll down using either buttons or scroll bar. 7. Click on the upload button to use your own face on the mannequinn. 8. When using own face image resize face to fit guide and then drag face to the correct position. 9. Mask will then hide excess image. 10. Click reset at any time to start again. This will start again with random set of clothing.
If clothes are moved too far from mannequinn on Ipad they may become static. To fix this just move the mannequinn closer to static clothes.
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