55 Records Found matching query: Anthony Holland Record(s): 1 - 3
Constance Wallace asks:
I have thick, thick medium length hair, I want to grow it out but am tired of the same old pony tail. I use hot rollers and sometimes use the straightener, but with 2 kids who has time for all of that. How can I achieve a great look and still grow out my hair?
Answered By: Anthony Holland
You could try plaiting it and leave it over night this will give you a wave in your hair that will stay for a while.
Stewart asks:
My hair is receding and I have a small bald batch at the back of my head. At this moment my hair is cut pretty short. I am thinking about getting my hair shaved, any ideas.
Answered By: Anthony Holland
Perhaps you could start with a No 4 on top and No 2 on the sides and then blended in. This would give you a better head shape hope you enjoy your new freedom.
Jean asks:
I am 62. Have short fine fair hair. Good condition now. No perm for 1 year but would like something gentle to make hair look thicker and easier to style. Also have fine highlights. What sort of perm would you recommend.
Answered By: Anthony Holland
I think a root perm would be the best option this gives a bit of a kick at the roots which gives the hair body. Also try styling your hair different like changing the parting or direction you wear your hair. This can also effect how thick your hair can look. You would probably be best asking your hairdresser about the styles as she will be able to help you more.