76 Records Found matching query: thicker hair Record(s): 55 - 57
Rezina asks:
I been straightening my hair for 10 days ago but now I want to go back my original hair. Before straightening my hair was flappy but now it is flat. Is there any way I could possibly remove the chemical from my hair and how can I make my hair thicker (I have done temporary straightening only for three months)
Answered By: Matthew David
Unfortunately this straightening system has a 3 month period before it will eventually become back to your hairs normal state however all is not lost, try using velcro rollers or volumising spritzes to help encourage fullness and thickness while you’re in the process of fading this treatment out.
Angela asks:
Hi, I have been going through chemo and am on my 7th out of 8 sessions. My hair fell out after the first session, but has started to grow back. I wondered if there is anything I can do to encourage the growth and make sure it grows in, in good condition.
Answered By: Jason Kearns
Hi Angela - the good news is about 98% of people that go through chemo their hair comes back thicker and with more wave to it. Use a nourishing shampoo and conditioner and just try and be patient as it grows - there are lots of edgy styles for short hair to help you through the months of regrowth. So keep that chin up and be well Angela.
Hayley asks:
I have Great Length Hair Extensions in my hair for the last year and before that I had Balmain ones for about a year and a half. I have recently noticed that my real hair is only just over an inch long and I am really scared I am going to be left with no hair if I don’t get them out. My hair is also platinum blonde and very dry. My hair doesn’t seem to grow that’s why I got the extensions can you please advise me what I should do and if it means taking them out then is there anything I can do to help my hair grow?
Answered By: Dawn Cooper
This does seem to me as though the extensions may not have been applied correctly or you are over processing your hair with colour .I have been applying extensions now for 13years and most of my clients’ hair becomes thicker and longer. I would recommend that you switch to a more gentle product and brand, for instance Racoon International. Their bonding is made from natural ingredients and will not damage your hair if applied correctly by a stylist who has been trained by Racoon International. You must make sure the salon and stylist are Racoon trained and approved. The bond which is attached to the hair should be about half an inch away from the root and the bond should be around the size of a grain of rice. The hair that the bond is attached to should be new growth so really if the extensions are put in correctly your hair should not break. Racoon extensions and Micro Wefts come in a gorgeous range of colours – a great chemical free option and the colours stay fast and true. I certainly would give your hair a little rest and then start afresh and look to other salons if you don’t feel happy where you are going