new religion for hair... |
you planning a happy event soon? If you're planning to have
a baby in the near future its essential to get yourself in shape
in preparation. Eating a well balanced diet prior to conceiving
is always preferable but in today's hectic environment it's sometimes
easier to slip into an unhealthy and erratic eating pattern. To
ensure the best start to your pregnancy start taking |
According to research, this could halve the chances of having a premature
baby. Multivitamins can make up for shortcomings in your diet, and contain
folic acid, which helps prevent defects in the brain and spinal cord.
you know....?
That vegans are more at risk from developing Megaloblastic anaemia
than those of us who eat food from animal origin. This form of anaemia
is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid which interferes
with red cell production. Large numbers of abnormal cells (megaloblasts)
are formed which aren't able to carry as |
much oxygen. This is usually caused by the
lack of an enzyme necessary for B12 absorption. Vitamin B12 is only found
in foods of animal origin - putting vegans particularly at risk. It is
usually advised for them to supplement their diet with cereals, yeast
extract or fortified Soya milk.
I suffer from mild joint pain after pursuing my fell-walking hobby.
Are there any natural products that can help as I don't feel I want
to take too many painkillers?
There are several products on the market that are said to
have a good effect but with most natural products it's important
to use the product continuously and it sometimes takes a little
while for |
the benefits to be felt. Among the most
popular are Devils Claw, Bromelin, Green-lipped Mussel Extract and Ginger
- all good for joint pain and have anti-inflammatory properties to calm
pain down. Glucosamine also provides significant relief from pain and
inflammation and is particularly useful for anyone with the first signs
of osteoarthritis.
from tasting good, Cranberries
are fast becoming one of the most popular fruits - especially with
Cranberries are red berries from a shrub native to North America.
The juice is drunk for its high vitamin C content and for its beneficial
effect in reducing the incidence of urinary infections. Cranberries
contain a type of chemical that |
prevents bacteria sticking to cells lining the urinary
tract wall, so they are more easily flushed out. Cranberry is also helpful
for reducing the unpleasant odours associated with urinary Incontinence.
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