A-Z Glossary
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A ABDOMEN The soft area between the rib cage and the pubic area. A common area for excess hair, often in a line from the belly button to the pubic hair. ABRASION The process of scraping or wearing hair away. Causing partial or complete absence of hair from areas. ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME "The anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended. This results in hairs gaining greater length. These hairs retain their colourless downy vellus characteristics. ACCELERATOR A product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production, which will accelerate the rate at which the skin tans. An accelerator is most effective when used after a shower or at least four hours before tanning. ACCENT COLOR Usually a sharp, intense color used as a contrast or pickup for color scheme. It is used to add excitement to an overall effect ACETONE A chemical formed in the blood when the body uses fat instead of glucose (sugar) for energy. If acetone forms, it usually means that the cells do not have enough insulin, or cannot use the insulin that is in the blood, to use glucose for energy. ACID A liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali. ACID MANTLE The combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin’s protective coating. ACID PERM An acid perm produces permanent hair waves with curls that are actually softer than an alkaline perm. It also has a pH from 6.5 to 8.0. ACNE An inflammation of the skin, a result of over production of oil and bacteria. (Active Acne or Acne Vulgaris). (acme, acnee) ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE A skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal. Common sites include the occiput (the scalp area between the ears). Follicular pustules (folliculitis) may exist. The scars are hairless. The condition may persist for many years. ACTINIC KERATOSIS A small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people. ACTIVATOR A chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair. Also referred to as Booster, Bleach Boosters or Bleach Accelerators. ACTIVE INGREDIENT The substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for. ACUPRESSURE A method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body. ACUPUNCTURE A method of relieving pain by inserting needles into the skin. ADRENAL A gland that affects certain types of hair growth. AFRO HAIRSTYLE A rounded, thick, tightly curled hair style. AHA see alpha-hydroxy acid. ALBINISM A recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes. Albinos have no melanin pigment and do not tan. Their skin is otherwise normal. Albinism affects people from all races. ALCOHOL A liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl. ALEXANDRITE Laser at 755nm used for hair removal. A-LINE BOB An A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A, with it’s horizontal line, the fringe and its legs the hair passing your ears. ALKALI A liquid with a pH higher than 7. Alkalis are used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle. ALKALINE A substance with a pH greater than 7; non acidic. ALKALINE PERM A chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5. Stronger than acid perms, alkaline perms are designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls rather than the looser curls produced by acid perms. ALLERGEN Allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction. ALLERGY A bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin. ALOE VERA "Known as the ""first aid"" plan, aloe vera is taken from the inner leaves of the plant. It is a water/gel-like substance that is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin, especially sunburned skin. It is also a soothing anti-inflammatory that can be used in lotions, creams, cleansers and other products." ALOPECIA Loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease ALOPECIA ADNATA Congenital baldness or baldness at birth. ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC This is the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body. ALOPECIA AREATA Alopecia Areata is the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp. ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS Hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles. ALOPECIA NEUROTICA Baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system. ALOPECIA SENILIS Alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age. ALOPECIA TOTALIS This is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS Alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body. ALPHA HYDROXY ACID Known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin. ALTERNATING CURRENT The type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC). AMINO ACID A chemical substance found in plants and animals. The building blocks of hair. AMINOPHENOLS Phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes. AMMONIA "An alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color. Ammonia is an ingredient that results in a chemical action that decolorizes the hair. AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE A common ingredient in chemical depilatories. AMORTIZATION The process of converting one enzyme to another. AMPERE A measurement of electrical current. AMPHOTERIC A mild nonirritating surfactant (an agent that allows oil to mix with water) often used in shampoos; leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair. ANAESTHETIC A substance used to relieve all feeling. ANAGEN This is the growing phase of the hair cycle which lasts about seven years in a healthy person. The active stage in a hair growth cycle. ANAGEN CYCLE The active stage in a hair growth cycle. ANAGEN EFFLUVIUM Hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations viz: palms soles, lips, eyelids, backs of distal phalanges and parts of the external genitalia. Each productive hair follicle provides hairshafts throughout the life of the person. Some follicles may intermittently produce vellus or terminal hairshafts. ANALGESIC A substance used to relieve pain. ANAPHORESIS The forcing of liquids into skin from the negative to the positive pole. The opposite is cataphoresis. ANDROGEN Hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth. Higher androgen levels can lead to increased amounts of hair. ANDROGENS Androgens are often referred to as male hormones. ANODE A positive electrode. ANTIANDROGEN An antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites. ANTI-ANDROGEN A drug or product that limited the effects of androgens (male hormones) ANTIBIOTIC A drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection. ANTISEPTIC A chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR A natural solvent in oils and creams. It acidifies products. When used in shampoos and rinses, it separates individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed. Sounds like a great addition to the shampoo of bears, hairy men and Husky dogs. AREOLA The pigmented area surrounding the nipple. A very common area for hair growth. ARNICA Arnica has been used in Europe for centuries to treat swelling, soreness and bruising. Arnica may significantly increase healing time or the appearance of such. There are many formulations from different companies including a stronger formulation that some plastic surgeons recommend for their patients. ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES A microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis. When stimulated, the arrector pili will contract and cause the hair to become more perpendicular to the skin surface (stand on end). This causes the hairs to stand up and causes goosebumps. ATOPIC DERMATITIS Also known as eczema. AUTOCLAVE A machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices. AXILLA The medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty. Armpit hair is referred to medically as axillary hair. AZELAIC ACID Azelaic acid like Retin-A is more commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions. |