A-Z Glossary
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I INDENTATION A hollow or pocket in the skin. INFUSION Tea made by steeping an herb’s leaves or flowers in hot water. INGROWN HAIR A hair that does not break the surface of the skin, and grows back inward. Can be severe and cause inflammation, soreness and infection. INTERLOCKING A method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool. IONIC Process where water molecules are broken down by ions into smaller droplets. This then allows the hair to absorb the moisture more easily. Ionic technology usually uses hot ceramic plates to generate the negativly charge ions IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT A treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin. The light energy is absorbed naturally and, depending on how it is applied, can act beneficially on pigmentation in hair follicles, pigmentation in the skin, or blood lesions such as thread veins. (ILP, intense pulse light, intense pulsed light, intense pulse lite) ISOPROPYL LANOLATE, Synthetic moisturizer. |