A-Z Glossary
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E EARS A common place for hair removal in older males. Only hair on the outer ear should be treated, and never inside the ear canal due to risk of infection. ECCRINE GLAND A medical term for sweat gland. These tiny pores do not contain hair follicles. ECZEMA Also called contact dermatitis, it’s a mild inflammation of the skin. EDEMA (OEDEMA) A medical term for swelling. EFFICACY A term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works. ELASTICITY The hair’s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape. ELECTRIC TWEEZER A device that removes hair by grasping hairs above the skin’s surface with an electrified tweezer. FDA has stated that no electric tweezers have shown evidence that they can perform permanent hair removal. ELECTROCOAGULATION The use of heat generated by electricity to change tissue from a fluid to a semi-solid, similar to cooking an egg. Electrocoagulation is the operating method behind flash thermolysis. ELECTRODE In hair removal, a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body. An electrolysis needle is an electrode. ELECTROLOGY The practice of hair removal through the use of electrified needles, invented in the 1870’s. Electrologist a practitioner of electrology. ELECTROLYSIS In hair removal, the practice of epilation with electrified needles. Electrolysis was originally the name for hair removal with direct current only (also called galvanic), although the term is generally applied to all three modalities of epilation with an electrified needle. EMLA Is a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain. EMOLLIENTS Ingredients that soften or smooth. EMULSIFIER A thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together). For example, it can turn a lotion into a cream. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM A group of glands which maintain the body’s internal environment through the production of hormones. Imbalances in this system can sometimes lead to increased or decreased hair. Glands in the endocrine system include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, and testes ENERGY DENSITY Term used to measure the output energy for Lasers and Pulsed Light Sources. Quoted in J/cm2 (Joules per square centimetre). See Fluence. ENZYME Enzymes are proteins that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions. In enzymatic reactions, the molecules at the beginning of the process are called substrates, and the enzyme converts them into different molecules, the products. Almost all processes in a biological cell need enzymes in order to occur at significant rates. Since enzymes are extremely selective for their substrates and speed up only a few reactions from among many possibilities, the set of enzymes made in a cell determines which metabolic pathways occur in that cell. EPIDERMIS The thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis. EPILATION The removal of hair below the skin’s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser. ERYTHEMA A medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation. ESCHAR A small temporary scab that occurs sometimes after electrolysis, especially after overtreatment. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (EFA) EFA preserve the resilence and flexibility of your hair. It’s common for hair products to contain natural or synethetic EFA’s like cetyl alcohol ESSENTIAL OIL The essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling. These oils produce the strongest odors, flavors, or medicinal properties when used in a product. ESTROGEN One of a group of hormonal steroid compounds that promote the development of female secondary sex characteristics. ESTROGEN (OESTROGEN) A female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth. EXFOLIATING A process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath. EXFOLIATION The removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath. EXTENSION Hair extensions are pieces of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness. EXTRACT An herbal concentrate produced by separating the essential or active part of an herb into a solvent material. EYELASHES Protective hairs on the eyelid. Some people get ingrown hairs here, which should only be treated under a physician’s care, preferably an ophthalmologist (eye doctor). |