A-Z Glossary
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L LANUGO HAIRS (Of the foetus) Are usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis (the development of primary hair follicles which usually remain inactive until the neo-natal period). LASER An acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures. LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPL HYDROLYZED A conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair. LAYERING Layering is a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance. In this way the hair can be given a fuller appearance, more texture and movement. LENTIGO A flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle. Sun induced lentigines (plural of lentigo) are known a Solar Lentigines. LEUCOTRICHIA Refers to a congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white. Several generations of some families have been known to exhibit this dominant trait. LIPID LAYER Lipids are part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier. They are composed of EFA’s amongst other complicated scientific things. LIQUID HAIR Strengthens and rebuilds the structure of the hair. LUBRICANT An oil or oil rich crème or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss. LUBRICATES Makes smooth or slippery by using oil to overcome friction. LUVIMER Flexible resin. |