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 I have the worst hair ever (no, really, I do)
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United Kingdom
1 Posts
Posted - 11/03/2015 :  22:31:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok, I have been plagued by my hair ever since childhood and, with age (I'm 41) it's getting worse. I shall list my problems:
1. My hair is very, very fine.
2. I have two cowlicks in the middle of my forehead so my fringe sticks up and back and then either curls down and sort of back on itself which looks really stupid, or it just sticks out randomly. It never sits straight no matter what I do to it and always wants to curl into a V in the middle of my forehead leaving massive gaps on either side.
3. I've never had much hair on either side of my fringe (widow's peak sort of) which makes styling my fringe awkward anyway and it leaves gaps if I try to leave it down.
4. I have a huge cowlick at the back/left of my head so about 4 inches of my hair there is constantly parted and trying to push up and forward. In the mornings, it almost feels like I've got a huge bald patch. This is the most depressing thing.
5. I have a very low hairline at the back - just a bit more than halfway down my neck - so I can't wear ponytails.
6. My hair in general feels like it's growing all different ways. It doesn't just grown downwards but is always pushing forward. If you gather most people's hair on top, the hair will arch backwards evenly, but mine constantly wants to push forward so I end up with lots of weird little partings appearing.
In short, it's a nightmare. I know most people have to style their hair in the morning, but mine is ridiculous. Because it is so fine and with all the cowlicks, it looks really horribly bad in the morning and needs so much work just to put it up into a simple clip. Nothing fancy - just so I can answer the door without embarrassment. Then, if there's a gust of wind, it just looks awful again. I'm tired of hairdressers telling me it's all normal. I know it isn't. I really envy women or men who just have decent hair that isn't cemented into place with hairspray and product, or who can get caught in a bit of rain without spending the rest of the day looking really shabby and messy with a fringe stuck up at all angles and the rest of the hair flat and parting in places it shouldn't. It's really, really affecting me psychologically now.

My hair is just above shoulder length (any shorter and it's even more uncontrollable as I can't put it up). I tried it really short and the cowlick at the back just looked hideous, no matter what I tried. It's also straight as an arrow apart from the kinks from the cowlicks.

I really need some help/advice :-(


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