100 Records Found matching query: greasy hair Record(s): 1 - 3
Frustrated Mum asks:
Why is my toddler’s hair greasy even though i wash it every bathtime..
Answered By: Marion Burns
An oily scalp is the bodies natural way of protecting that area. The oil is there to create an environment capable of protecting the scalp from factors such as sunlight, wind, and bacteria.The oil is called sebum and too much on your child’s scalp can be attributed to a couple of things.
Over washing, can stimulate the scalp and prompt it to produce even more sebum, so lots of washing means lots of grease(roots) but it can also dry out the ends and then create combination hair .Production of grease can also be affected by a diet lacking in essential fatty acids found in salmon , walnuts , flaxseeds so this could be a factor. and hair , particularly childrens delicate follicles do not require such stringent cleaning. Dehydration, so lots of water or fluids. Excessive brushing can also over stimulate the scalp and cause the scalp oil to travel down the hair lengths , so a softer brush is a good option .Always start at the ends and work up when brushing.So hair brushed a couple of times a day is fine , it also gets the child used to it.But picking up a brush every time your toddlers hair is out of place is not nessicary just use your hands to smooth it down if it appears messy to you.
June asks:
Brushing my childs hair is such a trauma for me and my child ,how do i tackle it
Answered By: Marion Burns
Childrens hair is completely uncompromised. No colouring, permed or processed hair here, so that usually makes it finer than adults and more prone to getting tangled. With the added factor of constant new growth, (check your child’s fringe area there will usually be some fine shorter strands this is new hair) and it will is like this all over the scalp so you are dealing with different lengths, even if it is not apparent visually to you. Detangling can be a real challenge for parents, pick up a brush and your child acts like you have a weapon of mass destruction!!! And I have had many parents say “he /she hates having their hair brushed” So i suggest a hair detangler spray (SLS free).that you can use daily or a leave-in conditioner used after washing. ...More >
Introduce your child to hair brushing at the earliest stage as you would dental care. If they have hair it needs care. It’s something that should be habitual not(child’s) choice.
When you wash your child’s hair try not to rub too vigorously instead gently massage the shampoo through the hair. Apart from over stimulating the scalp ( see greasy hair Q) it encourages the dreaded tangles.
Towel dry the hair in the same manner try to avoid rubbing, instead pat and squeeze the hair inside the towel.
Apply leave in conditioner or detangler at this stage when hair is wet.
Tangle Teezer HAIR brushes(the best in my opinion) palm held and with the range of bright colours not as threatening as the bristle or paddle ones. For daily hair brushing in between washes, spray hair with detangler (you can dilute the product with water). The brushing techniques are the same on wet, damp or dry hair remember you can work with either wet or dry strands but it is less stress on the scalp for your child if the hair is moist.
Depending on the length you can take the hair in your hand like a pony tail and spray the middle and ends, the motion of brushing from the middle down to ends helps spread the detangler. Or you can just put your hand underneath the hair and use your hand as a base to guide the brush. Try not to drag the brush down the hair more a gentle bouncing off your hand with a downward motion. This motion helps loosen tangles so its a win win. When these sections are tangle free start moving up towards the scalp adding a couple of inches at a time whilst continuing to go over the already tangle free hair. If you find a knot that just will not budge ( FOR RARELY BRUSHED HAIR) then snipping through with scissors is probably the best action for this one time only.As you get your child used to hair brushing regularly it should be a rare occurrence. The best detanglers have conditioners that contain vitamins and proteins to help thicken and strengthen strands so check the ingredients.
Natalie asks:
I have had alopecia areata for about 12 years now. My hair falls out in patches and then grows back course frizzy with a curl in. It is very hard to style as it stands out from the rest of my hair. I straighten it every day which is causing it to look dry. I use Tigi shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair but am finding it is making my roots greasy. How can I look after my hair? What products do you suggest? I love my hair otherwise but these unruly patches of hair are making it difficult to maintain. Your advice is much appreciated
Answered By: Tony Maleedy
It sounds like you have accepted that you have to live with the alopecia areata and have give up trying to do something about it, and I would not if I were you. When I was in clinical practice I saw many hundreds of people with AA and almost all of them regained their hair .... sooner or later. ...More >
Alopecia areata (area) is a relatively common, but highly unpredictable, auto-immune disorder of the hair follicles, affecting approximately 1.7% of the population in the UK.
In alopecia areata, the affected hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by a person’s own immune system (white blood cells), resulting in the arrest of the hair growth stage. Alopecia areata usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp. Occasionally, it progresses to affect the total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis).
Alopecia areata occurs in males and females of all ages and races; however, onset most often begins in childhood. Although not life-threatening, alopecia areata is most certainly life-altering, and its sudden onset, recurrent episodes, and unpredictable course have a profound psychological impact on the lives of those disrupted by this disease.
In an unaffected person 90% of the hair follicles are in the active, or hair producing, phase of the hair cycle (which lasts on average between 3 and 6 years), and 10% in the resting phase (which lasts about 3 months). In cases of alopecia areata all the hair follicles in a particular area are thrown from their active phase into their dormant phase were the hair falls out and the follicle rests for a time. But rather than the normal 3 months it can be 6 or 12 months or even several years. The one saving grace of alopecia areata is that the hair follicles never die. This is very important because as they are only dormant they can, and usually do, start producing hair again at some point.
Stress, shock, anxiety are all common causes of alopecia areata. Any of these can act as a triggering factor which starts the problem off and then, because of the stress the loss of hair can cause the disorder continuities even thought the initial causative factor has disappeared, so one is left with a viscous and perpetual cycle.
Because the hair is capable of growing given the right circumstances, it is a question of finding out what they are. Reducing any stress causing factor will help, and ensuring that the diet is good is very important (see feeding your hair information sheet).
There are a number of treatments which can be helpful. Minoxidil (trade name, Regaine) has been shown to stimulate the regrowth of hair in some people. This is available from Boots and other chemists (use the extra strength formula). A standard form of treatment in trichology clinics is exposure to concentrated ultra-violet radiation in order to cause a marked erythema. This treatment can be very successful if carried out over a period of a few weeks.
You should also consider consulting a qualified trichologist. The Institute of Trichologists will give you a list of people in your area. Tel: 08706 070602