99 Records Found matching query: greasy hair Record(s): 31 - 33
Jade asks:
I have curly hair from mid length down so at the top it’s kind of straight. I only put conditioner from the mid lengths down. My hair is greasy I have to wash it everyday. I have tried dry shampoo but it doesn’t work so well. It doesn’t matter what shampoo or conditioner I use its always greasy. HELP!
Answered By: Matthew David
Firstly try using a shampoo for oily hair, this may have to be a medicated shampoo prescribed by your GP. Also try not to use too hot water on your head as this will increase the oils from the sebaceous glands
Becky asks:
I have been using the same shampoo and conditioner for years but I washed my hair last night as I always do and for the first time ever have got very greasy hair and I am unsure why!
Answered By: Darren Messias
This might be because your hair has got use to the same products and it could be time for a change. Wella Professionals do a great range of shampoos and conditioners in their System Professional range which are designed for all hair types.
Abbie asks:
I really need some help my hair is currently a mess and becoming uncontrollable. I have been a bit of a hair sinner! My hair does not seem to have grown much at all over the last year or so - I have lots of split ends and I cannot actually remember the last time I went for a hair cut because I am trying to grow my hair long. It is currently just above my chest level but it seems to have stopped. I straighten my hair once a week with GHDs. I am guessing this is why my hair is not appearing to grow - is there anything I can do without getting the whole lot chopped off? Also, my hair gets greasy very quickly - it only takes a few days before I am unable to wear it down and I have to scrape it into a ponytail which looks very thin. I have tried using lots of different shampoos to try and see if a particular brand was better than the rest. I always try to make sure I am only ever conditioning the ends of my hair but that does not seem to help much. I try to use clarifying shampoo to get rid of any build-up, dirt, pollution etc but nothing much helps.
I would really appreciate any help or guidance at all as my hair needs serious rescuing - I would love to be able to grow it longer than it currently is and for it to be fresher for much longer too.
Answered By: Darren Messias
Ok first things first, the reason why your hair appears to have stopped growing is the fact that your split ends are actually working their way up the hair shaft. So in essence your hair is still growing from the root/ scalp but just splitting at the ends so this gives the appearance of it not growing. You must get your haircut straight away to avoid this getting worse and ultimately getting more cut off than you would real want. Once this is done your hair will get longer. Re your oily scalp, I would strongly recommend Wella System Professional for oily scalps and also try to wash your hair in luke warm water rather than hot, as hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands that produces the oil from your scalp.