99 Records Found matching query: greasy hair Record(s): 91 - 93
Lizzie asks:
I recently had extensions taken out and blonde hi-lites put in but my hair is now very greasy on the roots and very dry at the ends. Can you suggest anything please?
Answered By: Dawn Cooper
I do not think the extensions would have changed your hair typein any way, but with the highlights it may just need some moisture putting back. It may also be that you need to have your ends trimmed if they were not cut after you had them taken out. As your hair is greasy at the roots, you need to avoid putting your conditioner at the roots. Just focus on the mid to ends of the hair. Use a twice weekly deep penetrating conditioner like the Joico K-PAK Reconstructor as this actually repairs and conditions your hair. That should help the condition of your hair so it’s more manageable.
Claire asks:
I have shoulder length very dark hair, I would normally wash it with a variety of shampoos every second day. My hair has always been full of volume. I have suddenly developed an embarrassing problem as my hair has
a very bad greasy strip directly down the middle. It affects no other part
of my hair. I have washed it up to ten times in a day to try remedy this with no luck. Some people suggest I am not washing the shampoo out properly but this is not the case. Have you any suggestions that may help?
Answered By: Tony Maleedy
You may, for some reason have a build-up of an oily substance on your hair, possibly silicone as it is used extensively in shampoos and conditioners these days. I would suggest that you buy a shampoo and conditioner which does not contain any silicone -look at the ingredient list, the most commonly used silicone is called Dimethicone. The first time you use the shampoo apply a good quantity of it to the greasy region down the middle of your head before you wet your hair. By doing this you will be forcing the shampoo to combine with any oil, silicone or other material present simply because it does not have the option of mixing with water and leaving any oily substance behind. You need only do this once, thereafter use the products as normal. Also remember not to apply conditioner either to your scalp or within a few centimeters of it as the hair there does not need conditioning and you run the risk that you will make your hair greasy.
Krystle asks:
My hair gets greasy very quickly, I have to wash it everday or it looks disgusting.. All my friends only have to wash their hair every
couple of days.. I heard that the more you wash you hair it gets more greasy... but if I dont wash it everday it looks dirty.. what can i do??
Answered By: Tony Maleedy
Continue to wash your hair every day, Krystle, it will not make it more greasy, this is a myth. If you wash your hair daily you get used to it being so clean and fresh. If you leave it a couple of days you will notice the oil and lack of body more than someone who is used to washing their hair less frequently. Just bear in mind that the models you see advertising hair products on television all have hair similar to yours. Because it is your type of hair which is capable of looking fantastic when it is freshly washed, dryer hair may look ok much of the time but never good enough to promote hair products.