Advantages & Disadvantages of being grey
Advantages - I feel a sense of freedom - both internally and externally.
- I feel I look more natural. It's funny how, if you let nature do its own thing, everything is harmonious. My eyes, skin and hair match - and, yes, my eyebrows too!
- I don't have the burden of having to physically colour my hair every two weeks.
- I am not putting chemicals onto my scalp which might not be a healthy thing to do - we don't know what they might be doing to us.
- It's free!
Disadvantages - I sometimes miss my lustrous, shiny, rich deep brown natural colour I had when I was younger (although I don't miss the dyed colour). But, I suppose this is really a hankering after my youthful days which we all think about from time to time - a growing older thing.
- I miss being able to wear any colour under the sun.
- I don't like the way my grey hair gets dry - but I try to deal with that in my hair care products.
The advantages for me far outweigh the disadvantages and I will NEVER colour my hair again!