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The Journey to Grey

Destination grey: Clothes & Make-up, adapting to new look

Because we are worth it too!

What have I learned on the way?

Advantages & Disadvantages of being grey

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The Future

Advice to anyone considering going grey

My hair care routine

Support from my family and extended family

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Grey Hair Posts

Grey and Proud Images

The Future

My big wish is that the tide will change and that we will see more grey-haired women featured in advertising and that society will view grey-haired women as 'normal' and, yes, beautiful.

I have been writing to newspapers and magazines and to beauty and fashion companies to try to spread the word that 'It's OK to Be Grey' and to appeal to them to use grey-haired women in their advertising. I know I'm only a small voice but I won't give up trying!

It would appear that women with grey hair are invisible but we are not invisible! I consider my grey hair to be my new colour and it needs to be kept clean, bright, vibrant and healthy just like other colours of hair, whether natural or artificially coloured. And, women with grey hair are not necessarily old women with grey hair.

We need more grey styles to include in the gallery — please send your images by email to: with the subject line: Grey and Proud would love to hear from you, about letting your hair go grey naturally, the stages you’ve been through and the products you’ve found that work for you…

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