
Main Page

The Journey to Grey

Destination grey: Clothes & Make-up, adapting to new look

Because we are worth it too!

What have I learned on the way?

Advantages & Disadvantages of being grey

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The Future

Advice to anyone considering going grey

My hair care routine

Support from my family and extended family

Youtube Videos

Grey Hair Posts

Grey and Proud Images

Support from my family and extended family

My husband and children (who are 17 and 20) are very supportive of my decision to go grey. They think I look well and respect my wish to be my real authentic self.

I joined a group on Facebook called 'Gray and Proud' about a year' ago. The group has been going since about 2008/2009. I discovered it quite by accident by just typing the word 'grey/gray' into the FB search box. It is a group made up of women from all over the world but mostly from the USA. We are a supportive group and we share our experiences and tips with each other about grey hair. We also provide encouragement for all new people who are transitioning to grey - which is a very difficult time for most people. Through this group, I have also become aware of other websites, blogs, groups, etc, relating to grey hair and I have discovered that it is a growing trend, particularly in America and other European countries. I would love it to develop more here in the UK too but it needs to be promoted by the world of advertising/beauty/hair/media etc.

I am so happy that I made the decision to go grey. I feel free and empowered by it - both on the outside and on the inside. I might be in the minority, but I hope that I may be able to inspire others to give it a go by my example. Grey is a colour too!

We need more grey styles to include in the gallery — please send your images by email to: with the subject line: Grey and Proud would love to hear from you, about letting your hair go grey naturally, the stages you’ve been through and the products you’ve found that work for you…

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