Smooth away cellulite
Reduces localised excess weight, increases the disinfiltration and drainage, firms and smoothes skin. It’s hard to believe that something as simple as a spray-on mousse can help to slim, tone and combat cellulite - but that’s exactly what Transformulas® has achieved with an unrivalled product that has revolutionised slimming science. Proven results after just 28 days of usage demonstrated a mean average loss of over 2.8 cm from the thighs.
Even beauty
editors get cellulite…in pursuit of a miracle treatment, we’ve found something that works! …it dramatically tones your skin and makes those dreaded dimples on thighs and buttocks look less obvious…what’s great is it only takes a few minutes to slap on…it can really put a freeze on cellulite.
Bella, October 2003
Size: 200ml
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