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Connected to which has over 300,000 visitors per month!!!!

A five page web site can contain all the information you wish to show about your salon broken up into sections for easy reading and faster navigation. Standard packages include pages with your contact details on and a form that a user can fill out and post you a message. The page also tells them that the message has been sent and can then tell them anything that you want them to know or send them anywhere that you want them to go. All this is only counted as one page! You could then have a page with details about your salon containing pictures of the inside of the salon so that you can show it off to potential customers and advertise your salon and any other services that you might offer. Another page could contain information about your team of hairdressers showing their qualifications, expertise and experience. Again with pictures so that you customers feel like they already know them. Another page could have a map of your location so that new customers can find you easily. All map page links to a map site which the user can zoom in and out to see exactly where you are located in the world!!It's up to you how you have your site. Click here to see an example of a site already created for a salon called The Style Counsel

There are a lot of companies out there that can offer you a flashy but expensive Web Design Service but what's the point if nobody is going to see it? UKhairdressers is a hairdressing community with over 300,000 visitors per month who are only concerned with hairdressing and similar topics. Our salon database is heavily used by these visitors (50,000 people per month) and you could be using that traffic to your advantage.
Don't get lost amongst the millions of abstract web sites that you will be competing against with search engines when a community service is more focused and reliable.
Ukhairdressers now offer a professional Web Design Service at an affordable and reasonable price connected to a busy community that specialises in the services that you offer.

All websites are submitted to search engines for you as well as to the ukhairdressers community.

Example of current website with
(Click picture for preview)

Other site examples

£199.00 includes:
Full design for 5 Page website
Free consultation over graphics,colours design etc.
Typical example to contain details such as:

• An Introduction page
• Your Salon details
• Your Team details
• A Price List
• A Map to your location
• Email Contact Button

PLUS: Free listing on recommended salon guide with a link to your site and email details.

PLUS: Contents of your site included in UKhairdressers search section.

PLUS: Site can be provided to you in disk format or uploaded to a server of your choice.


• Hosting Services

Only £50 per year

We can also host your website for you. (ie the website can be placed on our server) This has a lot of distinct advantages.

• Faster access for your customers
• Administration pages to update parts of your site automatically online.
• Email address and mail handling
• Inexpensive Modifications and changes to your site

Free ISP web hosting is limited by the use of the millions of people who are also using the servers for their own webspace. Dedicated servers like ours provide much faster and more reliable site hosting with much faster access times for your customers. Try it and see
. Test this site for loading time

• Domain Name Handling (ie
The website above is available on the net as

or as

We can handle your domain name including administration, pointing and purchase for only £49.95 for 2 years. This also includes an email address. ie


5 Page Website (Plus all extras)
1 Years Hosting (Plus all administration)
Domain Name handling for 2 years (Plus pointing etc)

All in for just £275.00

You could be on the WEB in less than a week!!

Glossary of terms

Browser: Browser, customer ,surfer, reader etc. basically anyone that is going to view your site

Load: The Load time is the time that your page take to load from the blank page that initially appears to the completed page being displayed. (The progress bar on your Internet browser stops)

Search Engines: These are sites used to find other sites i.e. or You can type in keywords e.g. hairdressers or salon etc. and you will be provided with a list of sites which contain these keywords.

UKhairdressers Community: This is the collection of web surfers that have already found where they want to go and are browsing the pages of a web site or portal. Because all the pages have a common theme then they have no need to leave. To be included in this community means that the people who visit your pages are already interested in hair and hair topics. The quality of visitor is therefore better. It is better to get 100 visitors all interested in hair than 1000 visitors who are more diverse and probably looking for other topics. Lets face it... how many topics are there on the net?

Listing: On the front page and top of most pages you will see a box marked salon search and Recommended salon guide. This is where visitors can enter a salon name or town and find the salons near to them. This has proved very popular especially when you realise that someone who finds your salon in these lists is looking for a salon in your area and resulting business is almost inevitable.

Link to your Site: This is called a hyperlink and when clicked will take the surfer to your site. These links are contained with the information about your salon in the salon guide when you order a website from us. This link can be to your own server if you choose just to have the design service or to our service if you choose web hosting.

Server: The computer that contains your site. Many ISP (Internet Service Providers) allow you to host a web site for free but are limited by speed and restrictions such as no E-Commerce or Business sites as well as domain names and email addresses which have little relevance to your business. They do not appear to your customer to be professional and can actually put people off.
The server that your site resides at is called the host and the service they provide is called hosting