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To stay healthy we all need a well-balanced diet, but what can we do to increase our energy and vitality levels in today's hectic environment? Well, we all know that increasing our intake of fruit and vegetables can go a long way to keeping us healthy, but are some more beneficial than others? Well here are a few that are guaranteed to give you a boost.

Avocados - a great source of vitamin E that keeps the heart healthy, contains vitamin B6 to help us keep a healthy nervous system.

Red Peppers - pound for pound, red peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges.

Tomatoes - rich in a powerful anti-oxidant that can help to prevent some cancers. Also rich in vitamin C and B6. Unusually, the tinned variety can be more beneficial than fresh tomatoes as they are more easily absorbed.

Broccoli - excellent source of the B vitamin folate that helps lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Garlic - know to lower blood cholesterol and contains natural anti-biotic, anti viral and anti fungal properties.


Smoked mackerel Pate'

10oz (275g) Smoked mackerel fillets
8oz (225g) Fromage Frais
2tsp (10ml) Chopped fresh tarragon
Grated rind and juice of ½ lemon
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Lemon slices and parsley to garnish
Crusty bread or melba toast to serve

1 Remove skin and bones from mackerel, flake flesh and mash in a bowl.
2 Add lemon rind and juice, seasoning, fromage frais and tarragon.
3 Mix well, transfer to individual serving dishes
4 Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of fresh parsley
5 Serve with crust bread or melba toast


Top Tip When making pastry, think cold! For best result keep bowl, utensils etc., cold before use, always use really cold water to gather mixture together and run hands under cold water tap before kneading. If possible, invest in a marble board and rolling pin - if you can't then leave a wooden board and rolling pin in the fridge for a couple of minutes before you roll out.
Did you know....
That salmon is not only delicious but contains Omega 3 fats that can significantly lower the risk of stroke or heart attack. It's also an excellent source of the fatty acids that help skin keep its elasticity, keeps the brain healthy and prevents loss of mental agility. All in all a wonderfully tasty way of staying healthy.