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Fancy some Fennel?

Fennel is an underused and underrated vegetable. Most people have heard of it but many people have never eaten it. In Roman Britain bunches of fennel were hung outside houses to ward off witches. But did you know that fennel is a natural digestive aid - in fact, the crushed seeds are used in infants gripe water to help with colic. It is also a mild diuretic and can soothe an irritated stomach. Fennel can be eaten raw but its delicious lightly steamed and is especially good to offset fatty foods such as pork and oily fish.


Better Butters

Herb Butter
1 tbsp fresh tarragon
1 tbsp fresh parsley
1 tbsp fresh chervil
2pz (50g) butter
1 spring onion

Put parsley, chervil and tarragon into a bowl and chop finely.
Cream the butter until soft.
Chop spring onion and add this and herbs to the butter and cream gently.
Chill until ready to serve.

Mustard Butter ~ serve with beef, lamb, and ham

2oz (50g) Butter
2 tsp French or Wholegrain mustard
Cream butter until soft
Beat in mustard gradually
Chill until required.

Lemon Butter - serve with veal or chicken

2oz (50g) Butter
1 tsp grated lemon rind
1 tsp lemon juice

Cream butter until soft
Beat in lemon juice slowly
Add lemon rind and cream mixture
Chill until ready to serve


Freezer Facts

Freezing does not kill bacteria but stops them from multiplying as long as the freezer is kept at the correct temperature of 0° C or below.

Only freeze fresh food as if the food contains bacteria before it is frozen it will also do so when thawed.

Remember to defrost your freezer regularly to ensure its efficiency.

Never put steaming food into the freezer. Always allow cooked food to cool before freezing.


With the varieties of milk on the shelf these days do you really know which is which?


Pasteurised milk has been heated to not less than 72° C for 15 seconds and then rapidly cooled. This destroys harmful bacteria and prolongs its keeping qualities. Varying coloured tinfoil tops denote the different varieties.

Whole milk - most of the cream rises to the top and contains an average of 3.9% fat.
Homogenized - processed so that the cream is evenly distributed throughout.
Semi-skimmed - over half of the cream has been removed to an average fat content of 1.6%
Skimmed - almost all of the cream is removed to leave an average fat content of 0.1%
Channel Island - known as 'gold top' this milk comes specifically from Jersey or Guernsey cows and has a whopping 5.1% fat.


This is raw milk that has not been through the pasteurisation process. It must be sold under licence and labelled accordingly. The milk is not heat treated and therefore contains organisms which could be harmful to health. Its average fat content is 3.9% fat.


This homogenised milk has been heated to boiling point and vacuum sealed to sterilise it. It is usually recognised by its tall, long-necked bottle.

Ultra-Heat Treated (UHT)

Also known as long-life milk this is homogenised milk which is then ultra-heated to 132 and packaged in foil-lined cartons. It is also available in semi-skimmed and skimmed varieties, and has an unopened shelf life of around 6 months. Once opened, treat as pasteurised milk.