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Instant Tan - in a can!!! 

Martyn Maxey

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The main problem for uploading is the file size.
This is not the dimensions of your picture but the size in kilobytes of the image.
You can use the form below to resize your image and then try again.
Select file:

Portrait: [360x480] [450x600] [540x720]

Landscape: [480x360] [600x450] [720x540]

Percent: 75% 50% 25%

Rotate? <- select for yes 90 left 90 right 180 (flip)

Another reason for upload problems is file type.

The system will only accept images with a .gif or a .jpg extension
(Note .jpeg will not be accepted but a .jpeg can easily be changed to a .jpg by simply renaming the file.

• Right click the .jpeg file
• Click on rename
• Rename the file to .jpg

To convert your file from another format to .jpg or .gif open your image in your Art Package and click File save as. The choose the .jpg or .gif format.

Other tips.
Make sure that the file name does not contain any illegal characters such as
? / ' * \
etc. Best practice is to use only letters and numbers.

If you are still having problems then click here to Email us and attach the picture that you are having problems with and we will try to sort the problem