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Eaten too much over the holidays? Well you’re not alone, most of us do, but a new year is an excellent motive for starting a healthier eating campaign. It’s not always easy to face salads and fruit at this time of year but it’s a great time to increase your intake of fresh vegetables.

The shops are still full of lovely winter veg, sprouts, parsnips and a good choice of potatoes. Gone are the days when you have to wait until summer for lovely new potatoes.
These days pretty much anything you want is available. Stews and casseroles are wonderfully comforting on grey days and healthy too if you lower the amount of red meat and increase the vegetable content.

For an even healthier option, try to include a handful of lentils or beans to soups and stews – pulses are a great energy boost which is a plus on these dark grey days.


With the increasing
number of food and health programmes on TV
these days many of us are questioning where our food comes from and exactly how it gets on our plate.
Apparently figures for vegetarianism are on the increase, especially amongst school-age children and teenagers, possibly a result of the recent coverage of ‘inhumane’ living conditions of the animals we eat. For some people the thought of eating animals at all is abhorrent but others would simply like to know that livestock has been reared in humane conditions before slaughter. Of course this is purely a personal choice and there are valid arguments for both sides. But is is a fact that deciding not to eat meat can have adverse effects on our health if not approached correctly. Essential nutrients can be lost when embarking on a vegetarian diet and the balance must be re-dressed. It is always a good idea to chat to your GP if you do choose a vegetarian lifestyle and even more important if you intend to be a vegan. It may be possible for you to speak to the practice nutritionist to discuss a balanced diet and the possible need for supplements.

Your local health food shop may be able to help but remember they are a retail outlet like any other therefore not always impartial. In either case the most important thing in anyone’s dietary requirement is the quality of the food we eat. In general it is agreed that fresh food – fruit, vegetables, lean meat, fresh fish etc., is far more beneficial to one’s health than processed foods.

Most processed foods have been treated in some way either with preservatives, colourings and additives or by the addition of recognized ‘unhealthy’ fats, and most doctors will agree that these chemical additions are potentially hazardous to health, especially for young children. It may be worth a trip to the local library to read up on nutrition or you could browse the many government approved websites on food and health to help you follow a healthier diet.



  Cooks Tips –

Want to increase your intake of fresh fruit and veg? Well you could always give the WRVS a ring. Some counties have introduced a one-day-a-week fruit and veg sale of food produced in the local area to help us increase to our 5-a-day recommendation.

Volunteers from the WRVS will be manning the stalls where an average
mixed bag of locally produced fresh fruit and vegetables will be available for around half of the normal cost – ideal for young mums on a budget to ensure their families can enjoy fresh produce.

Telephone your local council office to see if there a similar projects taking place in your area.


Other Recipes:
Polenta and Pepper Gratin
Stout and Worcestershire cutlets
Cheese and Mushroom Sandwich Grill
Apricot and Berry Puff
Peppercorned Breast of Duck
Speedy Salmon Stir Fry
Better Butters
Spring Onion & Pepper Couscous
American Pancakes
Delicious Dressings
Rich Shortbread
Smoked Mackerel Pate
Irish Coffee
Salmon Fish Cakes
Cherry Cake & Peppermint Creams
Last Minute Christmas Cake
Prawn Stir Fry
Eves Pudding
Salmon & Herb Butter
Macaroni Cheese
Cheese & Fruit Toastie
Best Bean Salad
Tuna & Pasta Bake
Salad Nicoise
Blueberry & Walnut Muffins
Curried Eggs & Rice
Quick Cook Banoffi
Strawberries Surprise
Pumpkin Pie
Tuna Fishcakes
Christamas Fayre
Cauliflower Cheese Soup
Chicken & Pasta Soup
Cinnamon Apples & Pears
Eastern Lamb Stew
Perfect Potato Salad
Poached Salmon
Citrus Fruit Ice Cream
Chicken Dipper Club Sandwich
Spinach Frittata
Mince Pies