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When making stews and casseroles, it is an economy on time to double the recipe and free half for later use.

It is important to omit ingredients that go mushy during freezing such as potatoes and other root vegetables, pasta and rice; they can always be added after freezing.

The fat content should be as low as possible to avoid rancidity. When a dish has been cooked and cooled, surplus fact should be removing before freezing.

There should be sufficient liquid in the stew or casserole so that the meat is completely covered. If this is not done the meat may dry out. All cooked meat dishes must be cooled thoroughly and quickly.

Pack stews and casseroles in foil dishes for easy reheating, or use foil-lined dishes. If frozen in cartons or heavy duty polythene bags, the stew or casserole can be transferred to an ovenware dish (check sizes before packing for freezing) or reheated in a heavy-based pan over direct heat. When reheating in a saucepan, stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Ensure that the food is thoroughly heated and served piping hot.


You will need:

• 1 Slice of soft grain bread
• 1 tbsp (15ml) apricot chutney
• 1 small banana
• 11/2 (40g) double Gloucester cheese, grated


• Toast Bread on one side only.
• Spread untoasted side with chutney
• Peel and slice banana, arrange on top of chutney
• Cover with cheese and grill
• Serve Hot



This means no milk, cheese, cream or yogurts made from cow’s milk.

However, there are lots of good dairy substitutes available.
Look out for products made from sheep’s or goat’s milk, plus soya, oat or rice milks and products. Dairy products are a good source of calcium, which protects against osteoporosis, so it’s vital if you have a dairy free diet to eat lots of leafy green vegetables and small fish, such as sardines, with bones soft enough to eat.


It’s often difficult to make really good mashes potato but using the right potato is the key. Use a floury potato, such as Maris Piper or King Edward, to get a fully texture. Make sure you add the butter and milk to the mash while the potatoes are still hot, and always use warm milk. Do not use a food processor or over-mash, otherwise it will result in a gluey mess.