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Now that the weather has finally picked up a bit, there are definitely times when we like an alternative for the regular cuppa.

Fruit smoothies are increasingly popular – they’re wonderfully refreshing and healthy too. And if you’re trying to lose a few pounds, a milky fruit drink can keep hunger at bay at lunchtime.

Strawberries are particularly good for smoothies, they’re packed with vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folic acid, and contain one of the highest levels of anti-oxidants of any fruit and can help to boost the immune system and fight infection. Strawberries are also full of zinc, another important nutrient and are fat free, so
what better way to stay healthy.

Whip up a smoothie by blending together 100g strawberries with 3 fl oz of milk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. If you like a thicker smoothie, add 100g of raspberries and 4 tablespoons of double cream.


Poached Salmon

You Will Need...

2 Salmon fillets
50 ml White wine
150g Frozen peas
4 Black peppercorns
1 Slice of lemon
1 tbsp Double cream


• Place the fish, wine, peppercorns and lemon into a pan and just cover with cold water.
• Bring to the boil then turn heat down. Put lid on saucepan and simmer for 4 – 5 minutes.
• Drain the fish, keeping the stock and put fish in warm oven to keep heated.
• Use 100 ml of the stock to cook peas in bringing to the boil, then simmering for 3 – 4 minutes. Stir in the cream and season.
• Pour the sauce over the fish and serve with a side salad and chunk of wholemeal crusty bread.



It is well recognised that oily fish is considered one of today’s ‘super foods’. The ‘good’ fats in oily fish are Omega-3 fatty acids and are found in fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, herrings and pilchards. The British Dietetic Association say that two portions a week are recommended – if you can’t face preparing fish yourself then tinned is almost as good as fresh.
Scientists have found that Omega-3 is extremely beneficial for children and can help enormously with levels of concentration. If you can’t get your children to eat these types of fish, then Haliborange do a fruit-flavoured supplement that can help with brain development.

Fish oils are also known to maintain a healthy cholesterol balance and can help in keeping joints supple. Try to include a portion of oily fish at least once a week, but if you can’t manage it, consider a supplement such as Boots Super Strength Concentrated Fish Oils which has a formula that is easily absorbed.


For a delicious spicy tomato sauce to serve with fish or salads, chop 3 or 4 shallots and fry gently until soft.

Add a chopped red chilli and fry for another minute. Add chopped garlic clove, frying for a further minute and adding a drizzle of olive oil.

Stir in a pinch of sugar and a 400g can of chopped tomatoes. Bring to the boil then turn heat to lowest and simmer for 10 mins.

The sauce can be served hot with fish dishes or left to cool and used as a side-sauce for salads.


Other Recipes

Polenta and Pepper Gratin Stout and Worcestershire cutlets Cheese and Mushroom Sandwich Grill Apricot and Berry Puff Peppercorned Breast of Duck Speedy Salmon Stir Fry Better Butters Spring Onion & Pepper Couscous American Pancakes Delicious Dressings Rich Shortbread Smoked Mackerel Pate Irish Coffee Salmon Fish Cakes Cherry Cake & Peppermint Creams Last Minute Christmas Cake Prawn Stir Fry Eves Pudding Salmon & Herb Butter Macaroni Cheese Ratatouille Cheese & Fruit Toastie Best Bean Salad Tuna & Pasta Bake Salad Nicoise Blueberry & Walnut Muffins Curried Eggs & Rice Quick Cook Banoffi Strawberries Surprise Pumpkin Pie Tuna Fishcakes Christamas Fayre Cauliflower Cheese Soup Chicken & Pasta Soup Cinnamon Apples & Pears Eastern Lamb Stew Perfect Potato Salad Poached Salmon Citrus Fruit Ice Cream Chicken Dipper Club Sandwich Spinach Frittata Mince Pies Chicken Curry Chicken & Broccoli Bake Tiramisu Boozy Chocolate Fondue Potato & Leek Soup Tomato, Olive and Onion Salad Smoked Haddock & Sauce Chocolate, Mandarin & Cranberry Trifle Sidecar Champagne Cocktail Chocolate Strawberry Fondue Chocolate, Mandarin & Cranberry Trifle Cinnamon Plums Strawberries Romananoff

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