Tips on how to sell more products
to Salon Top Tips. Here we have some top tips
that are business focused and offer advice on
what salons can do to improve their bottom lines.
So sit back and read on...
When Will I see you again?
Loyalty is the key to a profitable and sustainable business, there are many ways to increase loyalty but here, I am going to ask you to look at one key number in your business frequency of visit, or how many times on average a client visits you a year. In our minds we would love to think that they visit every six weeks, but reality tells us that this number is closer to 12 weeks. If a client comes in every 12 weeks, then they visit you 4.3 times a year. If they spend on average £50, then the annual value of that client is £215. Now, if you could get them to come every 10 weeks then you would see them 5.2 times a year and they would spend £260 thats £45 extra per client per year. If your salon currently services 200 clients a week and they each visit 4.3 times a year, then to stay busy you currently need 2,418 clients on your database. If those 2,418 clients each spent an extra £45 per year, then your turnover would increase by an amazing £108,810 a year.
Ken West is director of business coaching experts 365 5/9/2013 |