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Book an advert on UKHairdressers and reach thousands of new customers every day...

Does your advertising work?

Click here to Proceed to Advertising Booking Programme

Here's a great opportunity for a small business - if you have a product or service that you think will be attractive to a million+ per month hair/fashion conscious female audience - try our well placed advert to test its appeal and do some market research into the bargain.We don't guarantee results, but if your product appeals then you should see results.

You can choose your own advert and select the time of day you want it to appear, from as little as £3 per hour. It will appear on every magazine page of , just under the main, left hand menu and you can link through to your own website.

There's no limit, you can choose as many or as few time slots as you want, so you always keep within your own budget. Create your own advert, and then once you've selected your slot, you can check that your advert will appear for the time you have chosen.

Our webmaster has made it user friendly; just type in your Heading for the top of the advert. Enter the link (your website address) to link it to.
Then add the text to promote your product or service.

Click here to Proceed to Advertising Booking Programme

Stage 1
Design Your advert.
Choose the text, size of text, colour etc and preview your advert to see how it looks on the example page.
When your happy Click on Proceed>> to continue on to Stage 2

Stage 2

Book your slots
Time slots are shown below each date. To book a slot Simply Click on it and the colour will change to red. The cost of this slot is displayed on the top right along with roughly how may impressions (Viewings) your adverts will recieve and the average CPM(Cost per 1000 viewings). Slots that are shown in dark grey are already booked

Click on forward to go to the next week and so on.

When you have finshed booking all your slots enter your email address and telephone number and click on Proceed to make payment.

When payments and been accepted and if the adverts pass the Terms & Conditions as decribed below then your adverts will automatically appear on the date(s) that you have booked for the hour(s) that you have booked.

Terms & Conditions reserve the right to moderate the text of an advert or not publish an advert if deemed inappropriate. (Payments of any unpublished adverts will be refunded).

Please check spelling and contact details such as phone numbers and web addresses - cannot be responsible for errors made in submitted copy. Any re-run adverts will be charged at the normal rate for the chosen booking time.

If two or more parties apply for the same time slot, while bookings are processing - the one who has selected the most advert slots will be given priority.

Any adverts displayed must fit into the 150 x 150 pixel box provided. Extra text may resized or edited or removed.

Click here to Proceed to Advertising Booking Programme



£3 per hour:
£5 per hour:
£7 per hour:
£5 per hour:
midnight to 7am
7am to 9am
9am to 10am
10am to 12 noon
£5 per hour:
£10 per hour:
£7 per hour:
12 noon to 1pm
1pm to 10pm
10pm to midnight

Prices based on peak visitor times to

Fairy my World
Handmade Personalised Gifts
for your children
Wooden handpainted: Bobble boxes, plaques, bag-tags etc...
Handmade Gifts
Learn to play Guitar
Like a
Learn to read notation
Tabs for loads of songs
Parlux 3200
Professional Ionic Hairdryer
The most professional hairdryer available for power, long life, lightness, ergonomic and silence.
ONLY £74.50
Heres just a few examples of the adverts you can create. Choice of colour schemes and font sizes allow your adverts to be eye-catching and informative.