all know that colds and flu can
be really miserable at
this time of year and can seem
to drag on for weeks. The very
best treatment for colds and flu
is to stay in bed in a warm but
not over-heated room and try to
drink as much as possible to help
Trying to 'soldier on' going out
in all weathers and coughing and
sneezing amongst everyone else
generally just prolongs the condition
and spreads the germs to others.
Give yourself a few days at least
to get over the worst of your
symptoms - paracetamol will help
with some symptoms but be careful
not to 'double up' on products.
Many proprietary brands contain paracetamol
along with other ingredients so check
carefully before taking. Many people can
be left feeling very low spirited after
flu or a chest infection and this can
last long after the symptoms have disappeared.
this is nothing to worry about
- your mood should eventually
lift as you continue to improve
but try to avoid any extra work
or stress following a bout of
infection. Take a little extra
time to get things done and take
extra care to eat nutritious food
including plenty of fruit and
veg to help in the repair process.
Don't rush yourself, and don't
let others rush you either - explain
that you are only just getting
over flu and are still feeling
a little weak, if they are unsympathetic
then try not to let it worry you.
Generally, the 'after flu blues'
shouldn't really last more than
a few weeks - if it does, you
may want to see your GP for some
If you have a really bad bout
of flu this year then discuss
the possibility of having the
'flu jab' next year, especially
if you have had chest problems
in the past.
not just the elderly
who have to be careful in the
rough weather that will be on
its way soon.
Broken bones and heavy bruising
are no joke at any age, so extra
care is needed by us all in icy
Whilst we can't stay indoors every
time it's freezing, do make sure
you footwear is really suitable,
even if you're only going along
the path to the car.
are some really trendy flatter-soled
boots on the market these days
to being practical and staying
safe needn't mean compromising
on looks.
is a good time of year to replenish
your first aid box with any remedies
you may need over the winter months.
Think about the festive season and all
its indulgences - it may mean getting
in some indigestion tablets, headache
remedies or upset tummy medicine.
A supply of throat pastilles, flu preparations
and paracetamol may be useful and with
all the food preparation to come, an
anti-bacterial hand wash could be handy.
And remember, stocking up needn't cost
a fortune - you don't need to buy 'branded'
medicines at inflated costs, ask your
chemist for the generic forms which
are equally as effective and cost far