the arrival of the lovely weather
at last it is essential to keep yourself
and your family sun safe. Most of us are
conscious of buying and applying sun creams
when we go on holiday but we are less
diligent when out and about in our own
country. It's just at that time when we
are most likely to get sunburnt. Our weather
is so unpredictable that we often start
the day with dull miserable weather but
get caught out when the sun burns fierce
after lunch. One way to combat this is
to use a really good quality once-a-day
application such as Ultrasun.
Apply in the morning and it literally
will last all day, giving you the protection
whenever you need it. Choose the factor
which is most suitable to your needs,
dependant on your skin type- Ultrasun
have both cream and gel formulas depending
upon your preference, also formulas specifically
designed for the face if you prefer a
separate one. When dealing with children
it is absolutely essential to protect
their young delicate skin so choose a
high factor and take care to apply to
every area which may become exposed, including
feet, ears and the hairline.
Ultrasun is superb for children as it
doesn't need constant re-application during
the day even after swimming. Sun cream
is an absolute essential of course but
don't rely purely on sun creams to keep
you safe. To really enjoy the summer sun
then do follow all the common-sense rules
that will help to avoid heatstroke as
well as sunburn.
Never, ever let a child go into the sun
without the covering of a t-shirt, even
in the swimming pool, and ideally a light
cotton hat will really help to protect
against the sick headaches which the sun
causes. Children also de-hydrate very
quickly so plenty of water and cold drinks
are an absolute must, just as it is with
adults. And do try to organise 'shade
breaks' whilst they are at play, children
who are kept cool are less fractious and
uncomfortable and therefore better tempered
during the hot weather.
to avoid man-made fibres in the really
hot weather, if your children wear a lot
of sports-type clothes do make sure they
are made of a breathable fabric as nylon
will cause overheating and therefore de-hydration.
women who are conscious of skin-ageing
then you couldn't get more ageing than
sun-damage. The sun rays will damage skin
far beneath the surface and no amount
of after-care will repair it. By far the
best way of avoiding wrinkles and brown
spots is by using a dedicated SPF cream
on the face every time you are going to
be exposed to sunlight. A good pair of
sunglasses will really help avoid those
deep creases caused by squinting in the
sun as well as protecting the delicate
skin in the eye area.
you really want 'fashion' sunglasses then
do check they have the necessary qualities
to actually do the job they're supposed
to do. When applying your sun cream pay
particular attention to the hairline,
hands and dιcolletι area as these are
particularly vulnerable, as are tops of
shoulders and ankles. Carrying a cotton
scarf can be really useful as can cover
the shoulders or heat with it if exposed
for any length of time. Do carry a bottle
of water, as regular top-ups of liquid
will prevent de-hydration in between more
leisurely drinks. Men are often reluctant
to wear sun cream as it feels 'gloopy'
on the hairs n their body but sunburn
looks and feels just as uncomfortable
on men as it does on anyone else.
boiled lobster look is not flattering
on any body so choose a gel formula for
men who are hairy as it will sink into
the skin more easily Again, men will love
the convenience of Ultrasuns gel formulas
as the once a day, non perfumed gels are
easy to apply and are in non-girly packaging.
Both the Police and Fire services use
Ultrasun as their sun protection, as do
large building companies for their workers.
Don't forget to continue protection up
over the scalp if the head is shaved -
shaving the head and indeed the face removes
several layers of top skin, exposing more
delicate skin underneath which really
needs protection. Many men suffer from
prickly heat on the neck and chest area
and sun cream will help with this too.
A few simple steps to protect yourself
from the damage of the sun will really
help you to enjoy all its wonderful benefits
long into the summer months!