many of us have been suffering
with the usual winter symptoms of coughs,
colds and flu that sometimes seem to pull
us down right into the springtime. For
most healthy people these winter ailments
last for a week or two and we begin to
feel better, but for some it feels like
the cough will not go away and we start
the year feeling really low.
If you do have a persistent cough or chestiness
then it really is a good idea to see your
G.P. Often we try to cure ourselves with
chemist remedies and medicines but if
these fail then it's definitely worth
a visit to the surgery. Chest infections
can last a really long time if neglected
and can really pull you down for weeks,
if not months.
A healthy chest is so key to good health
and if you're being dragged down by an
exhausting cough it can affect your whole
wellbeing. Sometimes we have to be a bit
persistent with our G.P.'s so if you feel
concerned, don't just write it off as
a winter condition, do try to sort it
out before it gets you down.
same can be said about what is termed
'the winter blues'. Feeling low in spirits
is common at this time of year. Light
levels are really low, our routine is
made more difficult by adverse weather
an it's often a time of financial worries.
Most of us can pull ourselves out of the
gloom as springtime appears but for a
few, the symptoms drag on and feelings
of depression can set in.
Don't try to sort depression out for yourself.
Of course you can help yourself by trying
every trick you know to lift your spirits
but if you're often tearful for what seems
like trivial matters then you need to
share the burden. Many are afraid to discuss
these matters with the G.P., they feel
they will be sent home with scary tablets
or told to 'pull yourself together'. But
understanding the complex issues surrounding
depression has come a long way in recent
years and there is so much help available.
may just be that you just need someone
to tell, or it may be that you need more
in depth help. Don't be afraid to ask.
Remember it's impossible to shout 'I'm
drowning' when your mouth is already full
of water. Don't leave it until you are
desperate before you do something positive.
Recovery will be so much quicker and more
effective if you act sooner.
If you like to use supplements to your
diet, it's a good time of year to start
with your top-ups. If you know that you
don't get enough vitamins in your diet
then investigate the variety on the market,
or if you're lacking in any area of your
diet, do research the
wealth of information available to see
if a supplement could help.
It's also a great time of year to start
any new exercise routine. Adrenalin levels
are often low or at this time of year
but can be given a real boost by exercise.
This doesn't necessarily mean joining
a gym or doing a formal exercise class
- it can simply mean getting out in the
fresh air and walking briskly or ten minutes
of outdoor skipping a few times a week.
It's long since been recognised that both
fresh air and exercise can really re-generate
energy levels, so if you feel that sluggishness
that is prevalent in the early months
of the year then give it a go.