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Hair Loss Solutions
If your hair is healthy, shiny and well conditioned, then the chances are, you feel good about life and the world in general. A new style or colour, can have an uplifting effect and generate compliments from all quarters. Whenever Victoria ‘B’ or Sienna ‘M’ appear fresh from their favourite salon with a new style - they and other celebrities probably get a kick from their ability to set new trends.

The Chameleon
Remember Chantelle on Celebrity Big Brother, blonde and giddy? After her engagement to Preston she became a brunette and even he must have been taken aback by the transformation. Then there’s Jordan (aka Katie Price aka Mrs Peter Andre) another blonde changing to raven hair overnight. Lucky for Peter that she has other more recognisable features to distinguish this Mysterious Girl!

When Britney Spears shaved off all her hair, it was a cry for help or to be left alone. Unfortunately, the more emphasis people give to the whole ‘hair styles and trends culture’, the more uncomfortable it is for those whose hair is far from their crowning glory. It is a sensitive subject, but men and women do frequently suffer from varying degrees of hair loss. For them it is sometimes easier to just pull on a hat, than face a trip to a salon for some expert advice.

The Root of the Problem
All is not lost - there is a lot that can be done to help and it needn’t cost a fortune. Understanding the cause, often means you are on the way to putting things right and restoring the necessary conditions to promote hair regrowth.

Blondes Don’t Always Have More Fun!
Although blondes have an average 140,000 hairs on their head compared to the average brunette (105,000 hairs) or redhead (90,000), the actual diameter of a blondes hair strands are smaller, so that their hair appears finer. The coarser hair of brunettes is wider and thicker. Age also has an effect; a 20 year old woman can lose approximately 20% of her hair before she reaches 50.

Hair Growth
Hair grows at a rate of about one centimetre per month and its normal cycle of growth is between two and six years. Approximately 90% of your hair is growing at any given time; the remaining 10% will be resting. Following this dormant time, some two or three months later, the resting hairs fall out and new hair grows. This daily shedding of hair is normal, but some people suffer a more pronounced hair loss.

Common Causes of Hair Loss
Some causes of hair loss mean recovery occurs naturally, given a bit of time. Following an illness, certain medical treatments or pregnancy, fluctuations in hair loss are a frequent side effect. Some hormone imbalances and years of dieting or over zealous use of the older heat treatment appliances and preparations can all result in more strands blocking the plughole!

Barbie Doll Syndrome
Remember to care for your hair properly. You can’t treat your scalp like the Barbie doll with the ‘amazing growing hair’, that could be curled and crimped for hours on end. Regular use of elastic hair bands, grips, tight rollers or old straighteners, hairdryers with limited heat control, can all cause hair loss to varying degrees. However, if the pulling, dragging and excessive treatments are stopped before the scalp is permanently scarred, the hair will grow back quite normally. Over use of hot oil treatments, colourants and perms can cause inflammation of the hair
follicle, which leads to scarring and thinning hair. Even prolonged brushing of wet tangled hair, can lead to unnecessary extra hair ‘fall out’, as the hair is more flexible when wet and likely to snap and break easily. Use a good conditioner and wide toothed comb to mitigate any harm already done.

Male Hair Loss
Although men don’t tend to be as hard on their hair as women, they’re still prone to problems. A man’s thinning hair is frequently an inherited trait, with a receding hair line and loss of hair on the crown. Some men are lucky enough to have a thick head of hair into later years; while others with stressful lives, can suffer the added worry of premature baldness.

Repair and Regrowth
It’s important to look at your diet; your body needs the right nourishment to encourage growth and condition. Women frequently have hair loss due to an iron deficiency, especially if they regularly skip meals or have heavy periods. So a good balanced diet needs to include enough of the essential fatty acids; omega-3 fish oils; biotin found in egg yolks and milk; copper sourced from liver, nuts and seeds. Zinc and iron can be found in cheeses and lean red meat. Plenty of protein also promotes healthy hair growth, lean meats, chicken and fish. Vegetarians will need plenty of beans, lentils, nuts and chickpeas and frequently suffer thinning hair if their diet is weak in these areas. Vitamin preparations are a personal choice, consult your local health shop or read the product information.

The Whole Picture
While your new healthy eating regime is working from the inside out and you’ve eased up on the external damage, there are many other options to think about to encourage hair growth. Some hair products specifically target the cause of hair loss at a cellular and molecular level.

Revivogen Uses the power of nature to revitalise and protect your hair. It utilises Liposomes and derivatives of natural oils which deeply penetrate the scalp and carry the active ingredients to the hair follicle where they are most needed.
Hair Genesis – A range of hair serum, shampoo and vitamins that work to reverse the effects of hair loss.
HairMax Laser Combs - For many years, leading hair clinics around the world have been using ’PhotoTherapy’ laser technology also referred to as Low-Level Laser Therapy to treat thousands of customers suffering from hair stress. Now there are portable devices available that can be used in the privacy of your own home and cost less than regular visits to specialist clinics.

All these products are available through our website and reach you quickly by post. So there’s no awkwardness about shopping for these sensitive items over a shop counter and no reason to put off doing something positive to make you feel better about yourself.

By Heather Bell

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