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HairMax Lasercomb

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Low Level Laser Therapy

About Low Level Laser Therapy

(LLLT) has been widley used in Europe for over thirty years in addition to being the subject of numerous studies with over 3,500 scientific papers published worldwide. There have been no reported side effects to LLLT treatments, which are painless and non-toxic.

Until recently, LLLT has been relatively underutilized in North America. Today, however, there is increasing awareness and acceptance of Low Level Laser Therapy among practitioners.

International practitioners are realizing the benefits of LLLT more than ever before and at the same time, North American consumers are increasingly interested in alternative treatments. The LLLT used in the HairMax LaserComb is non-invasive and without any known side effects.

What Is Low Level Laser Therapy?

Low Level Laser Therapy or Light Therapy is commonly abbreviated as LLLT. The laser energy produced by the LaserComb is within the accepted level of LLLT. The HairMax LaserComb uses a laser diode operating in the red portion of the visible color spectrum. Laser energy is different from natural light in several ways. It is monochromatic, which means all the energy is essentially one wavelength or color whereas a light bulb produces a broad spectrum of light and energy waves. Laser energy is also collimated which means it is a tight beam of light energy that spreads or diverges only a little at great distances while a light bulb loses its brightness very quickly with distance.

And laser energy is also coherent. All energy consists of waves of energy and in the light bulb these waves are not organized or in sync with each other. The waves of light energy produced by a laser are synched or in phase with each other. These characteristics make laser energy a truly unique form of light energy.

LLLT is used throughout the world and for the energy produced by the HairMax LaserComb there are no reported or known adverse side effects.

High Power Lasers vs. Low Level Lasers

There are two types of lasers: high power and low power. High power lasers are used to cut through tissue and give off heat. Low level lasers on the other hand do not give off heat and use photo energy.

How the LaserComb Works

The HairMax LaserComb harnesses the energizing and nourishing effects of Laser PhotoThereapy to make hair look healthy and vibrant. Light is energy. Living cells thrive in light and your hair is no different. The end result is that the appearance of your hair will improve and you will feel good about your hair again.

The HairMax LaserComb Works for Both Men and Women

With two decades of clinical experience Internationally, the results seen with the laser used in the LaserComb are both encouraging and impressive. Direct experience shows that, unlike other treatments, men and women of all ages respond to the positive benefits of Laser PhotoTherapy. It is no surprise that satisfied users range in age from 18 to their late 80's.

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