and women can suffer from hair loss at any stage of their lives.
For men, hair loss is usually located on the front, the top and
on the crown. Women frequently experience hair loss as a uniform
thinness throughout the scalp.
The degree of hair loss will vary from one individual to the next,
but it is always a source of great concern and makes the sufferer
self-conscious about their appearance, resulting in a loss of confidence.
Anti-Hair Loss Patches
This Revlon product is a highly innovative and effective way of
treating hair loss. One patch is placed on a different area of the
upper back each day (hidden under clothing) and work gradually and
progressively 24 hours a day. The patch acts from within strengthening
the nucleus of the hair follicle. The patches are virtually invisible,
waterproof, unisex and hypoallergenic.
Satisfaction test with more than 80% of those who have used the
product have noticed positive results.
Results are impressive
Revlon conducted a consumer satisfaction test on 290 people (men
and women) and they have confirmed that the Intragen 5 patch after
using for 2 months has provided the following statistics.
Double resistance to hair loss
69% think that the patch is more effective than any other
external treatment
75% have more hair density
72% have stronger, revitalised hair
71% think it is the most practical and user-friendly anti-hair
loss treatment
60% have less greasy hair
worrying about HAIR LOSS. Use anti-hair loss patches and
get on with your life.