DIY With Violent Lips
Permanent tattoos might not be for you but what about temporary tattoos? This week I did some research and came across a new brand called Violent Lips.
They have launched a line of temporary lipstick tattoos that transform your lips into something much more glamorous, so you won’t have any regrets.
You can choose from animal prints, polka dots, checkerboard, rainbow, or fishnet designs, they are also bringing metallic lip tattoos that are coming onto their website soon, I’ve got to say when I saw a picture of these lip tattoos I became slightly obsessed.
When I went on the Violent Lips website I was pretty blown away by the beauty of it. Violent lip tattoos could definitely be fun to try out.
These amazing stick on prints, that stain your lips with the pattern of your choice, are definitely a great way to stand out from the crowd. I'm definitely excited to get my paws on some! |