Healthy locks begin from the inside
I HAVE received a lot of questions lately from women and men who seem to be suffering with problem hair. Whether you are finding you are having more bad hair days than good and you are getting fed up of dry hair or greasy roots there are a wealth of good products on the market designed to help. I’ll look into the products in another blog post but I think it’s important to remember that good hair begins on the inside.
What you eat and drink massively affects your hair, skin and nails and it’s important to make sure you are getting goodness in to get great hair. You need a well balanced diet to keep your body healthy and strong – well the same goes for your hair. Eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts, brown rice, beans and pulses is a great start to achieving healthy hair.
If you have oily hair, rinse it with diluted, fresh lemon juice or cider vinegar for shine, and to get rid of those greasy roots. Eliminate smoking, caffeine and fizzy drinks or cut back as much as possible to give your hair strength.
By Hannah Mlatem |