all know that healthy hair is essentially 'dead' at its length but hair
is of course attached to a living reproducing structure - the root.
The root is situated just below the surface of the scalp - living cells
within the root produce hair and, if not properly nourished their ability
to make hair is badly affected. Hair strands are also attached to tiny
muscles - making hair stand on end for example when we are cold or scared.
one nutrient is responsible for the health of the hair - a variety of
nutrients are needed to interact with each other to maintain growth
and health.
A ~ needed to enable cells to divide and replicate normally. A lack
of it can lead to dry hair and skin, too much can cause inflammation
of the follicle, so rather than introducing a supplement try to eat
a good portion of orange fruit or leafy vegetables and vitamin A is
also present in whole milk, margarine and eggs.
B ~ lack of vitamin B can lead to oily hair conditions. The B vitamins
are found from different sources and all are necessary for healthy hair.
~ found in meat, poultry, milk, eggs, breakfast cereal and brown rice.
~ meat, bread and potatoes all provide niacin.
Acid ~ helps keep the hair follicle in good condition, egg yolks, peanuts
and wheatgerm are a good source.
~ a severe lack of this vitamin can lead to dramatic hair loss, an excellent
supply can be found in nuts and pulses.
C ~ Lack of vitamin C can cause excessively dry skin and hair ~ plenty
of fruit and vegetables will ensure you get a good supply.
~ minerals and trace elements are also important to hairs health. Copper
is needed for hairs structure and can be found in milk, bread and green
vegetables. A lack of zinc can lead to hair loss ~ oysters are the richest
source of zinc but its more practically found in peas, pulses, haricot
beans, butter and kidney.
Fatty Acids ~ obviously we all need to cut down on saturated fats in
our diets, cakes, biscuits etc., but its important to include polyunsaturated
fats in our diet too. Vegetable oil and Evening Primrose oil are know
to improve dry skin and hair problems especially itchy, flaky scalps.
a healthy, balanced diet is not only good for your body, but necessary
for the health and beauty of your hair!