new religion for hair... |
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hair when pregnant
We are often asked whether its safe to colour your hair during pregnancy.
There is really no danger in this, but hormonal changes in the body
can mean you may experience a difference in texture and its general
condition. Vegetable colours or semi-permanents are particularly
good during the early stages of pregnancy, when hair can be lank
and unmanageable. Lasting six to eight washes, these are gentle
and will help improve the overall condition of the hair. But do
not stray too far from your natural colour, because you do not want
heavy maintenance during those first months of motherhood.
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| An
excess growth of hair
can be a cosmetic problem for women, especially when on the face, and can be caused
by hormonal disorder. Coarse, dark hair sometimes grows on a womans face, trunk
and arms just like a man. This is very often natural and normal, though unsightly,
particularly if it happens after the menopause or in Asian or Hispanic women.
However, excessive hairiness (hirsutism) may be a symptom of an underlying
disorder, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, or a disorder of the pituitary or
adrenal gland. Such disorders upset the balance of hormone production so there
is an over production of the male hormone. Hirsutism can also be the result of
taking anabolic steroids. |
this can be a particularly upsetting condition for a woman, hormonal tests are
relatively easily done and imbalances can often be corrected. Your GP will be
able to give you support with the problem.
If however the cause is not
hormonal and is cosmetic but you feel it is still a problem, consulting a beautician
will put you on the right track as bleaching or electrolysis may be the answer.
Electrolysis can be costly and will need repeat treatments but it can remove the
hair on a more permanent basis. Shaving, although cheap and convenient will very
often make the hair coarser and can be psychologically upsetting to women who
feel a loss of femininity.
and sagging skin
may well reflect that a body is short of collagen. Collagen treatments have been
available at salons for many years, but collagen masks have little effect unless
used daily and even injections have a limited life span. It may be better to combine
collagen treatments by applying a collagen product to the skin daily and supporting
this by taking a collagen supplement eating collagen rich foods. Suitable supplements
include Collaflex Gold by Higher Nature who also do collagen facial products.
Foods rich in collagen are fish, meat and chicken, the best source being deep-sea
fish. | | |
to get that fully charged, energetic feeling first thing in the morning?
Then you need dopamine running through your body! Dopamine is produced in the
body to give us enthusiasm and get-up-and-go. In the early hours of the day dopamine
is converted to noradrenelin - the neurotransmitter which makes us feel happy
and energised. The best way to ensure you start the day right is to include good
sources of it at breakfast time - cheddar cheese, tuna, peanuts, oats. Almonds,
sunflower seeds and prawns are all great. A little unusual at breakfast but definitely
worth a try. |
Washing Hair Frequently
• A nation
of Tea-Drinkers
Colouring hair when preganant
Tired Gritty eyes?
Full of Eastern Promise
Bright Lip Colours
Happy New Year
Headlice Treatment
Countdown to Xmas
Luscious Lips
Colour Therapy
Bigger Bosoms
Curl Power!
On the Spot!
Perfect Pins?
Bathing Belle
Feast Your Eyes On This!
Budding Buddhist?
Are you invisibly fat?
Stop the clock
Soya - dont have to be a veggie
Stress & Hair loss
Banish those blues
3 for 1
From within
Limp & Lifeless
Give it to me Straight
Going Blonde
Tying the knot this year?
Put to shame again
Overdone the hair products?
Hair fixes
New Year - New You
Christmas Cracker
Hair Know how
In Great Shape
Healthy Hair from within
Back to Nature
Hair dyes unplugged
Caprice's top 5
Help with Henna
Beat Scalp Dermatitis
Perming Problems
Product know how
A proper Charlie
Friends for life?
Daffodils, Tulips & Mothers
Once is enough
Cutting remarks
Colour me crimson
Oops I've done it again
Curlie Girlie Wannabes
Merry Christmas - Mine was