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Tired gritty eyes?

Soreness and tired gritty eyes, and a constant desire to blink are common symptoms for those who read a lot or do a lot of detailed work, and those of us whose work involves a computer screen or hand-written work. The feeling is caused by a lack of blinking due to concentration, tension around the muscle which moves the eyeball and overuse of the muscle which alters the shape of the lens. If you do close work, or work at a screen use these simple tips to help ease the eyes.

• Intermittently raise the eyes and focus on an object in the distance for a minute or so. This relaxes the ciliary muscle.

• Every now and then, close both eyes and count to 60 - this will relax the eye muscle.

• Place cupped palms over both eyes and open them. Staring into the dark for a short time alleviates the strain from artificial lighting and computer screens.



It is a common misconception that the sweat we produce is responsible for the unpleasant odour associated with what we call BO but, in fact, sweat is actually odourless itself. It is only when it has lain on the skin for some time that it develops a pungent smell - it attracts bacterial organisms, which are responsible for the odour and are particularly attracted to the fatty substances and proteins secreted during perspiration.

An excess growth of hair can be a cosmetic problem for women, especially when on the face, and can be caused by hormonal disorder. Coarse, dark hair sometimes grows on a womans face, trunk and arms just like a man. This is very often natural and normal, though unsightly, particularly if it happens after the menopause or in Asian or Hispanic women.

However, excessive hairiness (hirsutism) may be a symptom if an underlying disorder, such as polychstic ovary syndrome, or a disorder of the pituitary or adrenal gland. Such disorders upset the balance of hormone production so there is an overproduction of the make hormone. Hirsutism can also be the result of taking anabolic steroids.

Although this can be a particularly upsetting condition for a woman, hormonal tests are relatively easily done and imbalances can often be corrected. Your GP will be able to give you support with the problem.

If however the cause is not hormonal and is cosmetic but you feel it is still a problem, consulting a beautician will put you on the right track as bleaching or electrolysis may be the answer. Electrolysis can be costly and repeated treatment will be needed but it can remove the hair on a more permanent basis. Shaving although cheap and convenient will very often make the hair coarser and can be psychologically upsetting to women who feel a loss of femininity.


Complete loss of body hair, alopecia totalis, is rare but many women suffer from some degree of alopecia or excessive hair loss in their lives. Hair grows in cycles but the length of the cycle depends on the area of the body. For instance head hair grows at a different rate than leg or pubic hair. During pregnancy many women find the head hair grows thicker and fuller than normal but then with the decrease of hormone levels after the birth there can be alarming shedding of hair. This process is perfectly normal.

Alopecia areata is an unpleasant condition, which worries sufferers. Hair falls out in small clumps (around the size of a ten pence piece).
Although this condition usually cures itself within about 6 months, doctors can sometimes prescribe local injections to speed things up. Particularly if the sufferer is distressed as additional stress can itself lead to temporary hair loss.

The most common form of alopecia is hereditary and usually affects men. The precise cause of alopecia areata is not determined but can sometimes follow severe emotional upset.

Alopecia following trauma or severe illness is common and will usually cure itself within two to three months. As women age it is natural to experience hair thinning, although many are blessed with full healthy heads of hair into their seventies. But thinning of hair in younger women is often the result of product damage. Repeated perming, heat damage and colouring can all takes its toll if not properly taken care of and can cause the hair to break off, often close to the scalp, giving the appearance of thinning hair.



• Ho Ho Ho!
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• Washing Hair Frequently
• A nation of Tea-Drinkers
• Colouring hair when preganant
• Tired Gritty eyes?
• Full of Eastern Promise
• Bright Lip Colours
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