Quench the Thirst of Frizzy Hair It’s the question girls all over the world ask them selves every time they wash and style their hair. “Why is my hair so, FRIZZY?!” We all spend millions of pounds each year on products that claim to help tame frizzy hair and help to achieve sexy, sleek, shiny, hair. After some research, it seems as though it has something to do with moisture, or in fact a lack of it, after all we are constantly getting told to drink 2 litres of water a day, perhaps we should start to listen and make the effort to drink. Have a read…. Oil and Water... According to experts, approximately 90% of us suffer with frizzy hair because our hair simply isn’t getting enough water! An old wives tale suggested hair can be improved and transformed into healthy, shiny locks, by encouraging the production of natural oils - i.e. - if we nurture our hair by brushing vigorously 100 times a day! This might be the case, if you have hair that has not been chemically treated. But this is certainly not the case, once you have subjected your hair to harsh chemicals such as bleach. The cuticle... When the hair is in good condition, and is straight and has good porosity the cuticle layers are tight together and in perfect in shape, giving the hair a smooth appearance. This makes light reflect off the hair enhancing shine! When hair is in bad conditioner, is curly or has poor porosity, the cuticle layers are lifted and sometimes damaged and broken. This makes the hair feel coarse and brittle. It also causes the hair to absorb light, giving the appearance of dull lifeless hair. Porosity... This is the ability for hair to be able to absorb and retain moisture. The best way for me to explain this is to would be for you to imagine a sponge. First of all imagine a brand new sponge. It will have tiny holes in it, and when you immerse it in water, it will soak up a large quantity, and be able to hold that liquid for a long period of time. This is because it has good porosity. Now imagine an old sponge. Its holes have become damaged and distorted. It might even be torn in some areas. When you immerse this sponge in the same amount of liquid, it will absorb far less and will certainly not be able to retain the moisture so readily. It is the same with hair. Hair that has poor porosity will not be able to absorb or retain moisture as well as hair that has good porosity, making hair permanently dry. Hot oil treatments... Traditions have taught many of us that lavishly applying oil to our hair will give us the soft, shiny hair that we all desire. However more often than not, the opposite takes place. Most oils if they are not essential oils do not have the ability to penetrate into the hair shaft.. What they will do, is to lie on top of the cuticle, and coat the cuticle. This may give the hair some shine. However, it will also coat the hair, and therefore causes product build up. Product build up... Once the hair is coated, your problems will start. First of all, the moisture that our hair so desperately needs will not be able to permeate through the wall of product build. The moisture is then not able to find its way underneath the cuticle layer. The hair cannot then be conditioned. Also the oils will not sink into the hair, instead they will sit on top of the cuticle layer. If you use any kind of hot styling tools such as blow dryers or hot irons, what will happen to your hair, is exactly what happens when you put an egg into a hot pan. It will fry! If you live in a sunny climate or use hair straighteners, the oil will do the same thing. The sun or high heat from the straightener will heat the oil and fry your hair. Optimum condition... For hair to be in good condition is has to have a moisture content of at least 8%, and the right balance of protein and natural oil. Most of us produce enough natural oil , to keep our hair healthy, but lack the moisture. After having a chemical service your moisture level will drop as low as 2%, causing, drying of the hair, followed by split ends. The same will happen with constant use of blow-dryers and hot styling tools, such as curling or flat irons. If the moisture level is not restored to its optimum by the use of good moisturizing products your hair will ultimately become brittle and possibly break. What to do... You need to give your hair lots of TLC, with shampoos that are designed to restore your hair’s moisture level, and nourish the hair from root to tip Along with intense conditioners that will help to repair damaged cuticles and generally the appearance of your hair. If you use ceramic hair straighteners, make sure you invest in a heat protection spray which will act as a barrier to help to protect your hair. |