When it comes to the world of fashion, Britain is undoubtedly one of the major players, but when it comes to the world of hairdressing, the UK is simply in a league of its own. And now a new report reveals the scale, depth and future of this dynamic industry.
The comprehensive report by L'Oréal Professionnel demonstrates that time spent in a salon is about more than just getting our hair done.
One of the most viewed styles by L'Oreal in UKH Style Gallery
The salon is a 'sacred space' and as well as being our style consultants, hairdressers are now part of a customer's inner-circle, becoming a trusted confidante and relationship, career and travel counsellor all wrapped in to one. In fact, the report reveals hairdressers now rank as one of the top four confidantes of women across the country (including doctors, close colleagues and nurses).
Given we are all becoming more and more 'deal loyal' rather than 'real loyal' as to where they take our custom, it appears the one area we are not prepared to negotiate on is their hairdresser.
Kate Middleton has stayed loyal to her hairdresser, Richard Ward and he is expected to take care of Kate's hair on her wedding day.
The L'Oréal research reveals that nearly three-quarters (71%) of women and two-thirds (65%) of men have stayed loyal to their hairdresser, and haven't visited any others in the past year. It appears the one area we are not prepared to negotiate on is our hair and this could explain why the industry is booming with around 34,000 salons in the UK employing 245,000 people. So how will these salons continue to keep customers happy in the future?
Richard Ward - Kate Middleton's hairdresser.
To share with us how the UK hairdressing industry is set to lead the world by revolutionising the salon experience, click on the video below to see Kate Middleton's trusted hairdresser, Richard Ward and TV's favourite coiffeur, Andrew Barton chatting about their experiences. Joining them also is Kathleen Gillin Mitchell from L'Oréal Professional Products who will reveal to us her unmatched insight into the salon of tomorrow.
Watch our video to see where you'll be getting your hair done in years to come: