a heat wave,
many of us are bathing or showering twice
a day but it often feels too hot to apply
a body lotion. Instead, try combining
your moisturizing routine with your shower
gel by using Elemis Moisturising Milk
Bath. This gorgeous formula can be used
neat on the skin, poured into the bath
or used as a shower gel and will moisturise
beautifully whilst cleaning thoroughly.
And remember, feet take a real pounding
at this time of year. Open sandals can
really cause a build up of hard skin on
the balls of the foot and heels. Dry,
cracked heels always look unsightly and
can be really sore so keep on top of the
condition by removing any dead skin regularly.
Applying a foot cream alone won't do the
trick unless you have exfoliated the dead
skin first, and it needs to be done on
at least a weekly basis.
Skin on the feet is the toughest of all,
so a good strength exfoliator is needed
or if you already have a build up of hard
skin you will need a specific product
for the job. (Boots the chemist do a great
range). Exfoliating the feet can also
help with foot odour as it removes those
thick, 'waxy' layers of skin where the
bacteria that causes the odour lives.
Of course, don't leave home without your
SPF cream - it's the most important step
of your beauty routine at this time of