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A Day in the Life of a Make-Up Artist

Sounds like every girl's dream doesn't it? Now you can find out how much fun and hard work it actually is, by following the diary of Fiona McGrath a busy Make-up Artist, as she talks to UKHairdressers about being in demand for TV series and photoshoots.

"Hi, my name is Fiona, I'm a Make-up Artist for TV, Film, Fashion and Theatre. I'm going to let you know what a day in the life of a Make-up Artist entails and to let you know, it's not all glitz and glamour!

I trained a couple of years ago at Shepperton Studios, Brushstoke make-up school. 8 years previous to that I trained as a hairdresser which is such a bonus when working in this industry, which I was to find out later on…

An actress is made up for her scene,
as Fiona applies the finishing touches.
I did a short course, I didn't want to spend years training, when I could be out there working. I was lucky enough to start working on Dirty Dancing in the West End in my last month of training at college. I worked as a 'wig swing' (still do) which means covering people when they off, learning all their plots.

Then when leaving college, you really have to apply to everywhere for work, contact make-up designers, production companies, magazines etc. It was a very stressful and frustrating time as all you want to do is work, but then so do all the other make-up artists who have just come out of training!

After what seemed forever sitting at home on the computer and phone contacting people, I was given a chance on a short film being designed by one of my old tutors at college. A few of us were picked from our class to work on it as trainees. It was great, it had Sean Pertwee, Russell Tovey and Lesley Sharp, my first taste of working with actors!
From that I managed to get a lot of work as a Make-up Trainee, I had to work a lot for free,
unfortunately being a trainee doesn't pay well, or at all, you just have to gain a lot of experience and it will pay off.

Nowadays I have been fortunate enough to work on Skins, Casualty, Mock the Week, Loose Women, various commercials, photoshoots and Theatre shows.

I have always loved musicals, so couldn't believe my luck that I was given a job at Dirty Dancing!
A lot goes on before the show, my job being one of the main contributors to that! On any show, you would get in about an hour before the show goes up and take all the wigs to the relevant dressing rooms. Nearly every performer in a show wears a wig, as they can maintain a shape more rather than someone's actual hair! Think of all the sweat from dancing and the bright lights, their actual hair would be soaked!

Then at the 'half' (half an hour before the show starts) you go down to the actors dressing rooms and prep their hair for their wigs, mic them up and they're ready! I actually found starting in Theatre was great for my speed, as the show must go on, hair done or not! Then the show goes up. You have a lot of wig changes throughout the show, some of them you have less than a minute to do, my motto is just to get the pins in!

When working on a TV show, you don't just do the make-up and hair and leave, even though people think that! On a drama your average 'call time' would be 6.30-7am and you would finish around 7pm. It's a long one! I always set up my make-up, so everything is in easy reach, as you only have maximum 45 minutes to make up your actress and 20 minutes for an actor! You usually have 3 or 4 actors to make up and their times are staggered. Then when they are all made up, we're off to the set with them! You're lucky if you get breakfast, in this industry, I have learnt to eat quickly! Rennies at the ready!

Then once on set, it's my responsibility to maintain the actor/actresses make-up and hair. So every time 'Checks' is called Make-up and Wardrobe goes running in. Then throughout we keep an eye on the monitor, just to see what it looks like on screen.
A big part of my job, when working on dramas and soaps is continuity. Episodes aren't always necessarily filmed in order, so they could be filming one scene one week and the next scene the following week. To make sure that the characters look the same, we take pictures and label them up with scene numbers and what days they were filmed. Then we can refer back to these along with the make-up notes to make sure the characters look the same as the last time you saw them!

Photos are taken for continuity, especially when actors
have to age and scenes are often shot out of sequence.
So that's the life of a Make-up Artist… I'm just off to Brighton for a photoshoot, then off to work on Casualty in a couple of weeks!"

Article by Heather Bell.

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