short, thick and unbelievably unruly hair, I am on a constant
search to find any hair paraphernalia that will help to me
look less like a startled 17 year old boy.
The problem is – normal straighteners are far too large to
deal with the bird’s nest that tops my head. The ends end
up straightened without any chance of me reaching the crown,
and if I try and curl it I often look like an extra from a
cheap 80’s music video. I thought I couldn’t win… until now.
Stylerush’s mini straighteners are an absolute god send. The
minute I peeled them out the box, I knew I was on to a winner.
Reassuringly robust, they look, feel and work like a full
size pair of straighteners, which was a relief, as most mini-straighteners
seem to be cheap and cheerful novelty items, rather than the
very necessary styling product us short haired gals so desperately
heated up quickly and I was able to reach the roots of my
hair with ease, creating a much-needed style for my bullish
barnet. Growing in confidence, I decided to try a curl, with
delightful results. The white pearlescent finish allowed me
to see exactly how much hair I was curling (it’s far more
difficult to know where you are with a dark straighteners,
assuming your hair, like mine, is borderline gravy-shaded)
and, finally, the results were less Annie and more Aniston.
Since then, I have flicked, curled, kinked and waved my way
though a million different style and have received no end
of (slightly surprised) comments about how great my hair has
All in all, these straighteners were a dream to use. Simple
and effective. They are truly the product my hair has been
waiting for.
So if any of you long-haired lovelies are experiencing the
same hair horrors as me, send a photo of your disastrous do
with the title Stylerush Competition to admin@ukhairdressers.com
and the four most deserving individuals will win a FREE full
size Stylerush styler of your very own!
Good Luck
Article Submitted by Robin Banks
Article by Heather Bell.