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Living the dream - a model's life
So many women dream of becoming a model, taking part in glamorous photo shoots all over the world, mixing with the stars and living life to the max in an intoxicating whirl of high fashion and cocktail parties.

We managed to catch up with one lovely model and find out just how much hard work goes into creating those super images of perfect make-up and edgy hair. Nicole Yahara recently struck a pose for us in a feature that appeared in Estetica UK hair magazine - now she tells us what it's like behind the scenes of a photo shoot.

In the Shoes of a Hair Model
By: Nicole Yahara

Being a model, isn't all that easy and glamorous as it seems in the magazines. People see the end product, a beautiful image in which the model appears flawless and gorgeous. However, what people do not see are the hours of preparation that goes into producing a photo shoot. More specifically, less talked and written about is what a model does before a photo shoot takes place. One of my recent modelling jobs was hair modelling. It was a long day but it was definitely worth it as the photos were published in Estetica UK Magazine, April 2008. This is my account of a typical day at a modelling photo shoot. The director of the photo shoot called for models to be at the salon at 9:00 am. On the day of the photo shoot, I had already been to the salon twice before. The first time was the casting day, in which I met the stylist, photographer and director of the salon. I showed them my portfolio (a compilation of photos) and let them see my hair. The initial visit only lasted half an hour - I had to wait a few days in order to find out if they wanted to use me for the photo shoot.

The second time I went to the salon was to get my hair touched up. I needed to have highlights put in my hair as my roots started to show. My hair had to appear virtually flawless for the photos. The stylist also played out her ideas on my hair. Sometimes original ideas need to be slightly modified as they do not always suit the model. The stylist had to dye removable extensions that were to be put in my hair on the day of the photo shoot. The removable .
extensions needed to be the exact colour of my hair colour. I spent four hours at the salon on my second visit

My third visit to the salon was the day of the photo shoot. By the time I arrived at 9:00 am, the photographer, stylist, make-up artist, wardrobe stylist, junior stylists and director were already at the salon. The junior hair stylist first washed my hair and then blow-dried it. The head stylist took over and used a straightening iron on my hair. Before the removable extensions could be placed into my hair line to
produce a fringe, make-up had to be applied on my face. I moved to the make-up artist's desk. The application of make-up took a little over an hour to be completed.

I then went back to the stylist's area to have the removable extensions placed into my hair line. This is when things became a bit difficult and time consuming. Each removable hair extension needed to be placed correctly on my hair line for it to appear natural. There were about nine pieces of hair extensions that needed to be put into place. The first few extensions were of a different colour of my natural hair colour and then needed to be applied first. Each piece of hair extension needed to have glue on it in order for it to stay in my hair. After the glue was applied to the extension, the extension needed to be held in the correct spot until it dried. After about nine extensions were placed on my scalp and 2 hours later, the extensions needed to be cut in order blend in with my natural hair. The stylist had to be extra careful not to cut my natural hair.

So after nearly four hours of preparation, the make-up stylist did a few touch-ups. Lip gloss and powder needed to be reapplied. Next, I went to the wardrobe stylist's area. I had to be very careful not to touch my hair or make-up or I could risk spending more time in the make-up chair. The stylist had already picked out an outfit for me but when I put it

on, it did not fit correctly. We spend about forty- five minutes sorting out a new outfit that did fit well. Just as I thought I would be ready to start the photo shoot, I am informed that there is one girl ahead of me waiting to get shot. I had about half-an- hour to sit still and wait patiently. I was incredible hungry for lunch but waited as I did not want to mess my make-up or clothing.

Finally the photographer called me over to be photographed. The hair and make-up artist stood near me to make sure I looked great. They did some more final touches. The photographer instructed me where to stand. The photographer adjusted the camera lens and lights. It was up to me to make different facial expressions but for this shoot, I was
instructed not to move from my original position. My feet and arms could not change position. I had to be very still even though I was uncomfortable. The hairstylist suggested that I try a new position. She wanted to see my hair in action. I moved my head slowly back and forth to create a floating effect. The photographer liked the idea so I did all types of movements to get my hair in the air. After about forty-five minutes, I was finished. I returned the clothing to the stylist and removed the make-up on my face. The hairstylist removed the hair pieces from my scalp. The junior stylist washed and blow dried my hair. Finally after a long day, the shoot was over and I could go home.

Completely accustomed to life as a model. I started modelling for high-profile clients at a very young age. I was represented by one of the
most famous agencies in the world, Ford Models in New York City. I could always be seen in the popular weekly/monthly catalogues, newspapers, on toy boxes, and even book covers. My face would be seen across the US and sometimes even Europe! Many girls dreamed of the life I lived. Little did they know how much work is really involved in modelling!

As a former Ford Model, I have done photo shoots for Toys 'R' Us, Macy's, JC Pennies, Walmart, Target (big companies in the USA), runway, book
covers, toy box covers, commercials, etc. I even worked on big sets for the movies Sleepers (Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro) and Ransom (Mel Gibson). I worked for Ford Models for 12 years. I started modelling at only nine months old after my older brother was discovered by a scout. Typically as a child, after school my mother would drive my siblings and I to New York City for casting and modelling jobs. While other children were playing after school with friends, I was working in New York City. It was exhausting being a child model so when I turned 13 years old, I decided to give it up and move into a more stable teenage life. About ten years later, I went back into the modelling business after I was rediscovered on the streets of London.

For the last year, I have been doing all types of modelling. Many fantastic opportunities have come my way through modelling. Last summer I was flown to five different European countries to do a travel brochure for Topdeck Travel. I even was selected to do a VH1 Pilot with BananaRama. I had the chance to be filmed while hanging out with one the greatest girl bands of the 1980's. I have done photo shoots with top hair dressers and hair salons such as Gary Sunderland, Joshua Altback, Hebe Hair Salon and Earth Hair
Salon in London. I have appeared in the Daily Star Sunday and Zoo Magazine and it's only been less than a year since getting back into the business.

Before a hair photo shoot, it typically is advised not to wash your hair for a few days. The dirtier the hair, the better it can be styled. However when going on a hair casting, I make sure my hair appears shiny and healthy. I usually wash and condition my hair, I let the conditioner sit in my hair for a few minutes before washing it completely out. After washing my hair, I towel dry it and then put two drops of hair serum in my hair. The serum helps detangle hair which typically is a problem for long hair. I then brush my hair out with a soft brush. After all the tangles are out of my hair, I blow dry it, drying the roots first. Finally, after blow drying my hair I use a gloss spray which makes the hair appear shiny.
Being a hair model, sometimes takes a toll on your hair: However, by using good quality products it can significantly improve the quality of your hair. My secret to great hair, is great hair products!

Nicole Yahara is currently featuring on the main page of: and is available for casting through them. Rapunzel models as the name suggests, represents some of the World's most beautiful long haired models.

L'Anza Haircare products are highly recommended by Rapunzel Models and FHI Straighteners for maintaining sleek looks.

Article by Heather Bell.

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