& tips from your side of the counter........
Welcome to another wonderful year! I hope Santa brought you
everything you ever wanted and more! As usual, my bathroom
is brimming over with all my favourite goodies, and a few
near ones still yet to try. With some women its shoes or handbags,
with me its creams, creams, creams! Face cream, body cream,
neck cream, eye cream - you name it, I've got it. Some would
say it's a passion, some would call it obsession. Over the
years I suppose I've tried several hundred face creams and
almost as many body lotions, soaps and shampoos. I just love
all things loosely listed 'toiletries'. Whilst I do enjoy
trying new make-up and cosmetics, it's really cleaning them
off that thrills me. I've cleansed, toned and |
moisturised my face twice a day since
I was sixteen years old (that's a lot of cleansing!) but I still
get a thrill every time I open up a new jar. It's the first thing
I do every single day of my life - even before I have a cup of tea,
and I never really feel awake until I've done it. And again at the
end of the day it's my way of saying that's it, another day done,
time for sleep. And although I have my absolute favourites that
I couldn't live without, I'm always ready to try really good quality
products to vary the routine slightly. I don't know if you've made
your resolutions for the year yet but you could do worse than to
take up a cleansing routine that you're happy with. You may want
to keep it very simple or like me you may want to try everything
there is, but either way your skin will thank you for it. It could
be New Year, New Skin.
Looking to get in shape this
year? Well if you're not a 'gym' person don't overlook the
power of walking. It may sound simple and that's exactly right.
It's something that can be done any time of day, for as long
as you like, as often as you like and requires no equipment
or expense. And for anyone just starting to exercise or you
are really unfit to begin with, it's a form of exercise that
can be started very gently and built up over a short period
of time to a more strenuous level. When I first started walking
as an exercise I was amazed at how quickly I got out of |
breath. I really wasn't as fit as
I'd always thought I was! But within a short space of time I was
walking further and faster and loving every minute of it. It's the
combination of fresh air and exercise, the chance to give serious
thought to any problems or just to enjoy the loveliness of the day
that I like. And winter walks are top of my list. I get a horrid
cooped-up feeling if I stay indoors all day, so no matter what the
weather just don the appropriate clothing and footwear - and always
choose your most comfortable clothing and head off out. Grab the
dog, or your personal stereo, or even better a friend or spouse
and set off to an unknown destination. Who knows where you'll end
up? You could aim for a particular street, park or landmark or stay
close to home by circling each block surrounding your house. As
soon as you feel you have reached your destination and back with
ease, then increase your distance and pick up the speed a little.
You'll be surprised how far you get! A friend who joins me on my
walks was horrified to find that she couldn't manage half a mile
with comfort when she started. All that car travelling meant she
was less fit than she thought. But after walking several times a
week all year, she often puts me to shame with her energy. 77% of
the British population claim to walk for pleasure at least once
a month and with even a short, brisk walk burning around 100 calories
you'll never feel better!
We've made ours, some are currently in practice, some are
yet to do but these are some of our promises to ourselves
this year.
De-rust and mend the bike that was left in the rain
all winter (and use it!)
Turn out all drawers and wardrobes and donate unwanted's
to charity before the end of January!
Take make-up off before bed EVERY night even when dog
Buy a selection of birthday cards to avoid last minute
frantic |
Put at least one new plant in the garden every month this
Hem, mend, sew missing buttons on to all those garments at
the bottom of the ironing basket.
Sort out and throw away every ballpoint pen in the office
that doesn't work.
Enjoy a treat of fresh flowers every payday this year.
Stop buying 2 for 1 offers unless they're really useful.
Stop chucking till receipts into the front pocket of the
already full handbag. Either put them all together in an envelope
if needed or chuck out as soon as possible.
Articles for your consideration... |